Andersen makes her move. She's closing in! Hey! (LAUGHS) DAD: Oh, no, you're not! She's lining up for the shot! DAD: Coming behind you. - DAD: Watch out! Watch out! - She shoots and she scores! - Yeah! - (ALL CHEERING)
Inside Out
FEAR: What the heck is that? JOY: Who puts broccoli on pizza? That's it. I'm done. Congratulations, San Francisco, you've ruined pizza! First the Hawaiians and now you!
Inside Out
- Hello? - Wait. Wh... DAD: You're kidding.
Inside Out
Hey, I saw a pizza place down the street. Maybe we could try that? Pizza sounds delicious. - Pizza? That's good. - Yes! Pizza!
Inside Out
You said it would be here yesterday! I know that's what I said. That's what they told me! FEAR: Mom and Dad are stressed out! ANGER: They're stressed out? FEAR: What are we going to do? - (ALL TALKING AT ONCE) - I've got a great idea!
Inside Out
See you, sweetie.
Inside Out
No, no, no, no, no. DISGUST: I'm starting to envy the dead mouse. ANGER: Get out the rubber ball, we're in solitary confinement. Riley can't live here. - She's right. - It's the worst. FEAR: Really bad. DISGUST: It's absolutely the worst. DISGUST: It's the worst place I've ever been in my entire life. Hey, it's nothing our butterfly curtains couldn't fix. I read somewhere that an empty room is an opportunity. - Where did you read that? - It doesn't matter. I read it and it's great. We'll put the bed there. JOY: And the desk over there. FEAR: The hockey lamp goes there. ANGER: Uh, put the chair there. JOY: The trophy collection goes there. FEAR: Stars! I like that! JOY: Now we're talking! Let's go get our stuff from the moving van!
Inside Out
The investor's supposed to show up on Thursday, not today! - (SIGHS) - I got to go. It's okay. We get it. You're the best. Thanks, hon.
Inside Out
Inside Out
FEAR: Dad just left us. He doesn't love us anymore. That's sad. I should drive, right?
Inside Out
Did you even read the contract?
Inside Out
- Come on, Grandma! - Ha!
Inside Out
COACH: Nice hustle, ladies!
Inside Out
Whoo! - Hey, put me down! - (DAD LAUGHING) (ALL LAUGHING) (BELL DINGS)
Inside Out
"Grandma"? Uh-oh, she put her hair up, we're in for it!
Inside Out
Um, you know what I've realized?
Inside Out
What are you doing? Uh, just give me one second.
Inside Out
- (CELL PHONE RINGING) - Ah! Sorry. Hold on. Hold on.