Good. Look, I have to tell you something really important. Are you married? No. Oh, God.
Free Guy
What's going on with your voice? Where's your Australian accent? British. I think I know an Australian accent when I see one.
Free Guy
Millie? Millie?
Free Guy
It's okay. Come on.
Free Guy
Good morning, Goldie.
Free Guy
Yeah, he's gone viral. Yeah, a virus that's giving me ass and ball cancer at the same time!
Free Guy
Hello? I might've found something. I've been going through Guy's code and there is something there, even now, after the wipe. What's the point? Guy was, like, a one-in-a-billion miracle. We can't replicate that. I tried, okay? You were right, it's over. No, Millie, Millie, you're not listening to me, all right? A reboot, it doesn't erase his AI coding. You literally would have to destroy the servers to do that. His AI is still there, it just needs to be accessed. I've seen him, Keys. He's forgotten everything. Just look at the trace log I sent you. It'll explain everything.
Free Guy
I got you a present.
Free Guy
But he's still stuck in Free City. He's still stuck in this life, this loop. And, then, something changes. He comes to life. Why? And then I remembered. One of the characters from Life Itself was this guy that I nicknamed Lovelorn. And he was someone who was designed to never meet the right person. It was essentially the building blocks of the character. But he never stopped hoping that he would meet "the girl of his dreams". So I had to base this girl off of someone, and who better than the person that I was sitting next to every day? You. But then, one day, he meets you in Free City, and once he sees you he can never be the same. He was supposed to feel doomed, but instead, he feels alive until, eventually, he is alive.
Free Guy
Millie, please.
Free Guy
You know, this whole good guy routine, it is a bad influence, and is bad for the franchise. I want him gone. I don't care who it is, boot him. You can't.
Free Guy
He's very expressive with his body. Clearly. What is that? It's a whole new world over there. Some kinda paradise and shit.
Free Guy
Order up and drown your bloodlust with a tall glass of murderjuice. Here's this week's highlights.
Free Guy
Don't have a good day, have a great day.
Free Guy
Uh, yum. Drop the deuce on him. Come on. Come here. Come here. I don't want you to stress that glorious shampoo commercial head of yours about it.
Free Guy
I didn't have time to wrap it.
Free Guy
I wanna kiss you so badly.
Free Guy
So, yeah. I'm sorry, wait, you let who kiss you? Guy. Guy? The first time I kiss a non-toxic guy in, like, forever and of course he's not even real! Uh, there's not a button for that. Oh, he found the button. - Okay. - Yeah. - I am-- I'm so confused... - Why is it so hot? ...and surprisingly curious.