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- Will you quit it? - What? I'm trying to swim here. Ocean isn't big enough for you? You got a problem, buddy? Huh? Huh? Do you? Do you? You want a piece of me? Ooh, I'm scared now. What? - Wait a minute. - Stop following me, OK? What? You're showing me where the boat went. A boat? Hey, I've seen a boat. It passed by not too long ago. It went this way. It went this way. Follow me. Wait a minute. What is going on? You already told me which way the boat was going. I did? Oh, no. If this is some kind of practical joke, it's not funny. And I know funny. I'm a clownfish. No, it's not. I know it's not. I'm so sorry. See, I suffer from short-term memory loss. Short-term memory loss. I don't believe this. No, it's true. I forget things almost instantly. It runs in my family. At least, I think it does. Um, hmm. Where are they?

Finding Nemo

You wouldn't know how to get there, would you? You want to follow the E.A.C. That's the East Australian Current. Big current. Can't miss it. It's in... that direction. And then you follow that for about... I don't know. What do you guys think? About three leagues? That little baby will put you right past Sydney. - Ta-da! - That's great! Dory, you did it! Oh, please, I'm just your little helper. - Helping along. That's me. - Fellas, thank you. Don't mention it! Just loosen up, OK, buddy? Oh, you guys. You really nailed him. Bye. Oh, hey, ma'am. One more thing. When you come to this trench, swim through it, not over it. Trench... through it, not over it. I'll remember. Hey, hey!

Finding Nemo

Ow! - That's a jellyfish! - Bad Squishy! Shoo, shoo! Get away! - Let me see that. - Don't touch it. I won't touch it. I just want to look. Hey! How come it didn't sting you? It did. It's just that- - Ow! Ow! Ow! - Hold still. I live in this anemone... and I'm used to these kind of stings. Ow! Ow! Ow! It doesn't look bad. You'll be fine. But now we know, don't we... that we don't want to touch these again. Let's be thankful this time it was just a little one. - Aah! - Aah! Don't move.

Finding Nemo

Wow. The big blue. What's it like? - Big and blue? - I knew it. If there's anything you need, just ask your Auntie Deb. Or if I'm not around, you can talk to my sister Flo. Hi. How are you? Don't listen to anything my sister says. She's nuts. Ha ha ha ha! We got a live one. - Can't hear you, Peach. - I said we got a live one. - Boy, oh, boy. - What do we got? Root canal-and by the looks of those x-rays... it's not going to be pretty. Ow! - Dam and clamp installed? - Yep. - What did he use to open? - Gator-Glidden drill. He seems to favor that one lately. I can't see, Flo. You're getting a little too-Aah! Now he's doing the Schilder technique. He's using a Hedstrom file. That's not a Hedstrom file. That's a K-Flex. It has a teardrop cross-section. Clearly a Hedstrom. - No, no, K-Flex. - Hedstrom. - K-Flex! - Hedstrom! There I go. A little help, over here. I'll go deflate him.

Finding Nemo

Whoo! That was... fun! I actually enjoyed that. Hey, look, turtles! Ha ha! Most excellent! Now turn your fishy tails around... and swim straight on through to Sydney! No worries, man! No worries! Thank you, dude Crush! - Bye! - Bye, Jellyman! You tell your little dude I said hi, OK? See ya later, dudes! Bye, everyone! Nemo would have loved this. Ooh! Hey! Crush, I forgot! How old are you? 150, dude! And still young! Rock on! 150! 150! I gotta remember that. Whoa.

Finding Nemo

- This is bad, Dory. - Hey, watch this! Boing! Boing! Dory! You can't catch me Don't bounce on the tops! They will... not sting you! - The tops don't sting you! - Two in a row! Beat that! Dory, listen to me. I have an idea-a game. - A game? - Yes. - I love games! Pick me! - Here's the game. Whoever can hop the fastest out of these jellyfish wins! - OK. - Rules, rules, rules! You can't touch the tentacles. Only the tops. Something about tentacles. Got it. Go! Wait! Not something about 'em, it's all about 'em! - Whee! - Wait, Dory! Gotta go faster if you want to win! Whoa! Dory! Boing, boing, boing! Wait a minute! Whoa! Dory! Whee! We're cheating death now. That's what we're doing. But we're having fun at the same time. I can do this. Just be careful. Yeah, careful I don't make you cry when I win! I don't think so! Ha ha ha ha! Whoa! Give it up, old man. You can't fight evolution. I was built for speed. The question is, Dory, are you hungry? - Hungry? - Yeah. 'Cause you're about to eat my bubbles! Duck to the left! Right there!

Finding Nemo

Hello, Nemo. Who's this? - Exchange student. - I'm from the E.A.C., dude! - Sweet! - Totally.

Finding Nemo


Finding Nemo

No! No, not the mask! Get it! Get the mask! Get the mask! Get it!

Finding Nemo

Is he doing OK? Whatever you do, Don't mention D-a-r- It's OK. I know who you're talking about.

Finding Nemo

- Aah! - Aah! What is going on? I'll check. Whaaat- No more whale! You can't speak whale! - Yes, I can! - No, you can't! You think you can do these things, but you can't, Nemo!

Finding Nemo

Nemo. Nemo.

Finding Nemo


Finding Nemo

Potty break! He grabbed the Reader's Digest. - We have 4.2 minutes! - That's your cue, Sharkbait. - You can do it, kid. - We gotta be quick. Once you get in, swim to the bottom of the chamber... and I'll talk you through the rest. - OK. - It'll be a piece of kelp.

Finding Nemo

Nemo! Nemo!

Finding Nemo

Aw, look. They're dreaming. We still have to name them. You want to name all of them right now? All right, we'll name this half Marlin Junior... and this half Coral Junior. - OK, we're done. - I like Nemo. Nemo. We'll name one Nemo... but I'd like most of them to be Marlin Junior. Just think, in a couple of days... - we're going to be parents. - Yeah. What if they don't like me? - Marlin. - No, really. There's over 400 eggs. Odds are, one will like you.

Finding Nemo

Please don't go away. Please? No one's ever stuck with me for so long before. And if you leave, I just... I remember things better with you. I do. Look- P. Sherman, 42... 42... I remember it. I do. It's there. I know it is because when I look at you... I can feel it. I look at you and I... I'm home.

Finding Nemo

I hate you.

Finding Nemo