- There's got to be a way out! - Here's something. Es-cap-e. I wonder what that means. Funny. It's spelled just like escape. - Let's go. - Aah! Here's Brucey! Wait a minute. You can read? I can read? That's right. I can read! Well, then, here. Read this now. - Aah! - Ohh! He really doesn't mean it. He never even knew his father. Don't fall off the wagon! - Aah! - Aah!
Finding Nemo
Humans-think they own everything. Probably American. Now, there is a father- Looking for his little boy. What do these markings mean?
Finding Nemo
Daddy! Nemo! Nemo! Ha ha! Nemo! I don't get it. For a clownfish, he's not that funny. No, no, no, no. He's my son. He was taken by these divers.
Finding Nemo
Right, then. Who's next? Pick me, pick me. Yes. The little Sheila down the front. - Whoo! - Come on up here.
Finding Nemo
Who is it? Dory, help me find a way out! Sorry. Come back later. We're trying to escape.
Finding Nemo
- Hey, there. - How about you, Chum? Oh, I... seem to have misplaced my friend.
Finding Nemo
Oh, no, it's blocked!
Finding Nemo
G'day. Grr!
Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo
I can't hear you, Peach. The Aquascum 2003 is an all-purpose, self-cleaning... maintenance-free, salt water purifier... that is guaranteed to extend the life of your aquarium fish. Stop it! The Aquascum is programmed to scan... your tank environment every five minutes?! Scan? What does that mean?
Finding Nemo
Morning. It's morning, everyone! Today's the day! The sun is shining, the tank is clean... and we are getting out- The tank is clean. The tank is clean! But how? Boss must've installed it while we were sleeping. - What are we gonna do? - What's it say, Peach?
Finding Nemo
Do any of these boats look familiar to you? No, but the boat has to be here somewhere. Come on, Dory. We're gonna find it. I'm totally excited. Are you excited? Dory, wake up. Wake up, come on. Duck! That's not a duck. It's a... pelican! - Whoa! - Aah!
Finding Nemo
Hey, Nigel. Would you look at that? What? What? Sun's barely up and Gerald's had more than he can handle. Yeah. Reckon somebody ought to help the poor guy. Yeah, right. Yeah. Don't everybody fly off at once.
Finding Nemo
All right, Gerald. Fish got your tongue? - Aah! - Love a duck! I gotta find my son Nemo! Nemo? He's that fish! The one that's been fighting the whole ocean! I know where your son-Huh?