Hey, wait a minute. Wait. Where are you going? It's over, Dory. We were too late. Nemo's gone, and I'm going home now. No. No, you can't.
Finding Nemo
Dory, you have to tell everybody to... Swim down together! Do you understand what I'm saying to you? Swim down!
Finding Nemo
- Manna from heaven. - Sweet nectar of life! Hey! Hey! Hey! - This is our spot! - Get outta here!
Finding Nemo
Everybody swim down! Come on, you have to swim down! Down! Swim down!
Finding Nemo
Please... I don't want that to go away. I don't want to forget.
Finding Nemo
Hey, look out! I'm sorry. I'm just trying to get home.
Finding Nemo
I'm sorry, Dory, but I do.
Finding Nemo
I'm so sorry.
Finding Nemo
Truly, I am.
Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo
Has anybody seen a boat? Please! A white boat! They took my son! My son! Help me, please. - Look out! - What? Ooh. Ohh. Ohh. Oh, oh. Sorry. I didn't see you. - Sir? Are you OK? - He's gone, he's gone. There, there. It's all right. - He's gone. - It'll be OK. No, no. They took him away. I have to find the boat. A boat? Hey, I've seen a boat. - You have? - It passed by not too long ago. - A white one? - Hi. I'm Dory. Where? Which way? Oh, oh, oh. It went this way. It went this way. Follow me. Thank you. Thank you, thank you so much. No problem.
Finding Nemo
- Aah! - Get under me, kids! Aah! Oh! No! Dad! Daddy!