Am I disqualified? No, you're doing fine! You're actually winning! But you gotta stay awake. Where does P. Sherman live? P. Sherman... Wallaby Way, Sydney... That's it! Uhh! - Wallaby Way... - Uhh! Stay awake! Stay awake! Ooh! Stay awake! Stay... awake!
Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo
Oh, no.
Finding Nemo
That's where I would play.
Finding Nemo
Ha hwa ha Ha hwa ha ho ho ho Ha hwa ho ha Hahoo wahoo yahoo ho Hahoo ho ho wahoo ha hee Ha ho wahee ha ho ho ho Hoo!
Finding Nemo
Hey, wait up, partner! Hold on! Wait, wait, wait! I gotta tell you something. Whoa. Nice trench.
Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo
Is he doing OK? Whatever you do, Don't mention D-a-r- It's OK. I know who you're talking about.
Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo
- OK. - Dory! Oof!
Finding Nemo
- Aah! - Aah! What is going on? I'll check. Whaaat- No more whale! You can't speak whale! - Yes, I can! - No, you can't! You think you can do these things, but you can't, Nemo!
Finding Nemo
Whoops. That would've been a nasty fall. Gill! Don't let me go belly-up! Just calm down, Nemo. You won't go belly-up. I promise. You're gonna be OK.
Finding Nemo
Temperature-82 degrees... PH balance-normal. - Ooh. - Nice. Ooh-Oh! Curse you, Aquascum! That's it for the escape plan. It's ruined. Then what are we gonna do about- Darla! Stay down, kid! - False alarm. - Whew. My nerves can't take much more of this. What'll we do when that brat gets here? - I'm thinking. - Oh! Gill! - Nemo! I'm coming! - Help me! Help me! Swim down! Come on, kid! - Everybody jump in! - Swim down! - That's it! - What the-? - Yay! - Ha ha! Good work! Gill! - Nemo! - Sharkbait! - Roll, kid! - Lean! Lean!
Finding Nemo
Thaaank yoouuu, sirrr! Wow. I wish I could speak whale. All we gotta do is find the boat that took him. - Right! - We can do this!
Finding Nemo
- Aah! - Aah!
Finding Nemo
I can do this.
Finding Nemo
You're Nemo! You were dead. I saw you. And here you are! I found you. You're not dead. And your father-Your father! You know my father?! Where is he? This way! He went this way. Quick! Hey, hey, hey! Hey! Hey! Have you seen an orange fish swim by? - It looks just like him! - But bigger! Yeah, I saw him, bluey. But I'm not tellin' you where he went... and there's no way you're gonna make me. Mine. Aah! All right! I'll talk! He went to the fishing grounds! Aah!