Found 1443 results
Come on, you can't be this stupid.
The Lego Movie
We're coming apart at the seams!
The Lego Movie
- Or cuckoos. - No, no, this is...
The Lego Movie
I "believe" you too.
The Lego Movie
Yeah, that too.
The Lego Movie
I'm Batman.
The Lego Movie
I mean, it's not like a big gigantic ship... is gonna come out of nowhere and save us...
The Lego Movie
Metal Beard, I thought you said we were a lost cause!
The Lego Movie
Step three." We break into Lord Business' office... and we'll plunder his collection of relics for disguises.
The Lego Movie
I know that sounds like a cat poster, but it's true.
The Lego Movie
I have no idea what's going on, or what this place is at all.
The Lego Movie
You must know something about the prophecy.
The Lego Movie
What are your robot serial numbers?
The Lego Movie
And the metal one too. All dudes.
The Lego Movie
That would be great... but Emmet is the one who found the Piece.
The Lego Movie
Acceptable work, Bad Cop.
The Lego Movie