Found 1443 results
Where's the other guy?
The Lego Movie
Ah, here it is!
The Lego Movie
Robin Hood, Mermaid Lady... Gandalf...
The Lego Movie
Yeah, but it's gonna look really cool.
The Lego Movie
The Lego Movie
What you need to worry about... is this question that I'm about to ask you: Who wants a taco?
The Lego Movie
- Pa, you just moved and you've just wrecked it! - Uh-huh.
The Lego Movie
Unh! You were found at the construction site convulsing with a strange piece.
The Lego Movie
I know that sounds like a cat poster... but it's true.
The Lego Movie
- Emmet! - Emmet! Yay!
The Lego Movie
I knew that was suspicious. There's no time to lose.
The Lego Movie
You bring your space chair right back here!
The Lego Movie
I don't know what I'm doing.
The Lego Movie
All units... cut him off on Elm, now!
The Lego Movie
12 Mississippi...
The Lego Movie
All right, here it comes. My secret weapon... is this.
The Lego Movie
- ...I must say. - It is, indeed, super sweet.
The Lego Movie
Come on, wake up!
The Lego Movie