Found 1443 results
We must find Vitruvius and get to the Office Tower before it's too late.
The Lego Movie
No. You must create the instructions in your mind, my liege.
The Lego Movie
Because he's not even a MasterBuilder. Watch.
The Lego Movie
The embodiment of good, foiler of evil.
The Lego Movie
- something simple. - Okay.
The Lego Movie
- It's big. I must be smart. Mm-hm.
The Lego Movie
He needs to see that he can.
The Lego Movie
You must listen. What I'm about to tell you... will change the course of history.
The Lego Movie
Okay. What I see... are people inspired by each other... and by you.
The Lego Movie
We need to attach the wheel to something that spins around.
The Lego Movie
Hey)'- Thanks for saving my life back there.
The Lego Movie
You're trying to bail on us! I'm not trying to bail!
The Lego Movie
Guys, got a 1-by-1 with an indented stud on one side.
The Lego Movie
But you can't work together as a team.
The Lego Movie
That's super frustrating.
The Lego Movie
Blah, blah, blah.
The Lego Movie
So you're gonna drive up the curved part... Super rich take it all the way to the top... Kind of makes it better and park the car.
The Lego Movie