Saffron. - Not good. Saffron. Don't like it. She's gonna wake up. I've been down here a million times. She turns on the cooking channel, boom, she never wakes up. You've been here a million times? I'm telling you, saffron will be just the thing. Gusteau swears by it.
Hold on, Son. Give him something to grab on to. Come on, boy. Paddle, Son. Come on. Reach for it.
Hey. Your will! - Oh, this is interesting. Mind if I... - Not at all.
Pure poetry. But it was not to last.
Oh! Oh!
The only way to get the best produce is to have first pick of the day and there are only two way to get first pick. Grow it yourself, or bribe a grower. Voil�! The best restaurant get first pick. People think haute cuisine is snooty. So chef must also be snooty. But not so. Lalo there ran away from home at 12. Got hired by circus people as an acrobat. And then he get fired for messing around with the ringmaster's daughter. Horst has done time. LINGUINl: What for? No one know for sure. He changes the story every time you ask him. I defrauded a major corporation. I robbed the second largest bank in France using only a ballpoint pen. I created a hole in the ozone over Avignon. I killed a man with this thumb. Don't ever play cards with Pompidou. He's been banned from Las Vegas and Monte Carlo.
So you see. We are artist, pirate. More than cooks are we. - We? - Oui. You are one of us now, oui?
I mean, it's not much, but it's, you know...
Colette, wait! Colette.
It's tough out there in the big world all alone, isn't it? Sure, but it's not like I'm a kid anymore. - Hey. Hey, boy. What's up? - I can take care of myself. I've found a nice spot not far away, so I'll be able to visit often. Nothing like a cold splash of reality to make you... - Visit? - I will. I promise. Often. - You're not staying? - No. It's not a big deal, Dad. I just... You didn't think I was going to stay forever, did you? Eventually, a bird's got to leave the nest. We're not birds. We're rats. We don't leave our nests. We make them bigger. - Well, maybe I'm a different kind of rat. - Maybe you're not a rat at all. Maybe that's a good thing. Hey! The band's really on tonight, huh? Rats. All we do is take, Dad. I'm tired of taking. I want to make things. I want to add something to this world. - You're talking like a human. - Who are not as bad as you say. - Oh, yeah? What makes you so sure? - Oh, man. I've been able to observe them at a close-ish sort of range. - Yeah? How close? - Close enough. And they're, you know, not so bad as you say they are.
When I added that extra ingredient instead of following the recipe like you said, that wasn't me either. - What do you mean? - I mean, I wouldn't have done that. I would've followed the recipe. I would've followed your advice. I would've followed your advice to the ends of the earth. - Because I love your advice. - But... But I... Don't do it. I have a secret. It's sort of disturbing.
The food didn't matter. Once it got out there were rats in the kitchen, oh, man, the restaurant was closed and Ego lost his job and his credibility. But don't feel too bad for him. He's doing very well as a small business investor.
You take a break, Little Chef. I'm not your puppet, and you're not my puppet-controlling guy! The rat is the cook. You cool off and get your mind right, Little Chef. You cool off and get your mind right, Little Chef. Ego is coming, and I need to focus!