Sir, there are over 600 items on our menu. -Better make that three. -Good! As you wish, sir. So, listen, Dan, about last night, sorry for acting so weird. To be honest, it's nice to have someone who listened. Ignore her and she's yours.
Wish Dragon
[Din groans] Din, I'm working late tonight.
Wish Dragon
Thanks. It's just not the same without hot sauce.
Wish Dragon
[distorted, slowed-down audio]
Wish Dragon
Wait, what happened to your suit?
Wish Dragon
-I can't do love. -What? No, Long, it's not-- Couple of rules. I can't time travel, I can't kill, and it pains me to inform you, not really, I can't make people fall in love with you. No, no, no, it's not like that, Long. She's my best friend. That's my wish.
Wish Dragon
[both exclaiming] [Din] Oh, no!
Wish Dragon
-You had a lot of friends? -No! I had all the wealth and land and power, and everyone loved me for it.
Wish Dragon
There she is.
Wish Dragon
Go to your room. Don't come out if you're going to disrespect me. -I wasn't-- -Go! Fine!
Wish Dragon
[solemn choir music plays]
Wish Dragon
I want my friend back.
Wish Dragon
-I'll do your homework for a week. -Fine. Thanks. You're the best. [Din yelps] -[car horns honking] -So smart and yet so stupid.
Wish Dragon
-[clears throat] -Oh! Uh… -Here you are. -Go ahead. Open it! I had to send my assistant to half the jewelers in Shanghai. It's true. -I know you appreciate something special. -Oh, of course. Just as much as last year. Thank you, Dad. Oh, uh, did I? Na Na, I'm sorry. You know, I-- Well, you can never have too much of a good thing, right? Excuse me, I… I didn't see you there, young man. Allow me to get you a closer look, sir.
Wish Dragon
She looks so… important.
Wish Dragon
-Don't you have somewhere to be? -Huh? Wait, five o'clock? How have I been here for an hour? I gotta go!