We're going to meet Sr. Vaughan. He's the Minister of Interiors. Controls the airstrips. It's how we get you in.
American Made
Now, in those days, the cold war was in full swing.
American Made
There's a lot of money in Mena, Arkansas.
American Made
- Please don't tell my mama I was here. - Come on. Where'd you get the money for this car?
American Made
500 down to 300. Watch out for that tree at the end. Yeah, I remember that.
American Made
- Hey Luce, you hear me? - Yes. - Honey? You all right? - Yeah, I can hear you. Honey, I hate to tell you this right now, but JB's been arrested. - That little shit. - What happened?
American Made
Barry! Yeah, Bill, what do you need? What do you need? Man, man, I'm like freakin' out, man. What is goin' on with JB?
American Made
Okay, man. Good, I'm gonna trust you on this one, man. Good.
American Made
I see you finally got smart and got a slower plane.
American Made
I repeat, we are ordering you to land imm...
American Made
Two of 'em. That's right, son. We're up here as long as you want.
American Made
That's for the damage. And uh... Here's a little somethin' extra for your sister. Hey, little darlin'. And your bike.
American Made
Is this your yard?
American Made
And you gotta do what he tells you to do. No, he doesn't, man.
American Made
- What's that? - Inside's a passport... first-class ticket to Bora Bora and enough cash... Enough cash to make a damn good life for yourself.
American Made
I'll tell you what, Barry. I'm gonna send you a goddamn address, okay, Barry? You're gonna start sending me cash on the fucking regular. You understand? You hear me?