"I love dick"? You think that's funny? "Wonder Years douche"? What kind of a sick animal draws an ejaculating penis into an 8-year-old's mouth? It's arguably, like, an airplane throwing up.
21 Jump Street
Just shut up.
21 Jump Street
I haven't trained.
21 Jump Street
- We're not really gun people, man. No. - No?
21 Jump Street
Are you guys on drugs?
21 Jump Street
I'm gonna just fire you.
21 Jump Street
- Were you held back or something or... - No. You look super young. Were you held forward?
21 Jump Street
Come on, you guys. Come on. Please. Jesus.
21 Jump Street
Welcome aboard, Peter.
21 Jump Street
21 Jump Street
It's not really my thing, either, but a buddy of mine really wants it. Who would he call if he wanted it? Well, you can tell your friend that if he really wanted it, it's not so hard to find. When to take it. He shouldn't have been taking it at all. Drugs are bad.
21 Jump Street
You weren't shooting, you were choking, - so I had to save us. - I was going to shoot. - You always do this, every single time. - What? Seriously, just take me back to school, man. If I miss this play, Molly's going to freak out and she's not going to go to prom with me. - Are you fucking serious right now? - Fuck, yes, I'm serious!