- You got to pull the trigger! - Okay. You got to pull the trigger! - We got to throw up, man. - I can't. We gotta throw up. That kid, Billiam, died. We got to throw up. Just think of something gross. Think of something gross. - You fucking think of something. - Okay, all right, all right. Your grandma's vagina, and there's a dick going into it. - What the fuck are you saying? - I don't know! I'm just trying! - I'm trying my best! I'm just trying! - Fuck! Come on, man! Dude, let's just finger each other's mouths.
21 Jump Street
- Brad? - Shit. Where are you going? I don't want to look like it's like I'm wearing makeup. - Right. - Doug! Hi. Brad! Whoa. What are you wearing? Potassium nitrate. Thanks for noticing.
21 Jump Street
Hey, why you here, Scott? What, Kennedy High isn't having any parties tonight? No, I heard you guys were partying with some new stuff.
21 Jump Street
All that stuff I wore, like the bracelets, the rings, the tight pants, was just so that people would think I'm cool.
21 Jump Street
That is a fake nose. Do you want to wear a fake nose on your fuckin' head for, like, months on end? Glue and shit?
21 Jump Street
Don't throw the baton, you jackass!
21 Jump Street
- Enough. - Too long on the hug.
21 Jump Street
21 Jump Street
What are you doing? - That's my mom's Kokopelli vase. - I got it, I got it. Doug, Doug, hey! Hey, Paul Blart: Molly Cop.
21 Jump Street
Wow, so I'm really digging this decor.
21 Jump Street
Oh, Shit, when did I get stabbed?
21 Jump Street
- Come on. - Did you guys even see Eric?
21 Jump Street
Did you see that shit? That was crazy.
21 Jump Street
Hey, hey, we'll lose them in the prom! Go!
21 Jump Street
All right, let's go, McQuaid!
21 Jump Street
Yeah, sure.
21 Jump Street
Oh, my God, dude. What do we do? What the... What the... Oh, Shit. Oh, Shit. Oh, Shit. - Oh, shit. - What's wrong with you? Run! I can't! I'm wearing tights! I got skinny jeans on! It's the same fucking thing!
21 Jump Street
Tom Hanson, DEA! On your knees! What the fuck? - Now! - Fuck! Doug Penhall, DEA! You're under arrest! Guns down, all of you! Domingo, tell them!