What the fuck! Drop your guns, or I'll spray her brains all over the room! Trying to take a hostage, some goddamn IV show shit? I don't know! I'm trying to help, all right? I've never done this shit before. Well, you're fucking up. - Drop the guns or she's dead! - She looks dead already.
21 Jump Street
- Let me see. You dealing drugs? - No. It's just a card game. It's, like, a hybrid card game. - See? They open up. - Battle Brawlers. - You're not doing anything illegal? - No.
21 Jump Street
- I can't do that at all. - Wait, you can't do it? No, I can't.
21 Jump Street
- What are you doing in here? - I'm here to study.
21 Jump Street
Bakugan? You dealing drugs?
21 Jump Street
You're behind. I'm ahead.
21 Jump Street
21 Jump Street
What do you think's in that thing? I don't know, money, drugs. They could be a new buyer, or they could be the supplier. If it's good, you'll hear from me. If it's not good, you'll hear from me about telling you how it's not good. Makes sense. - Get the fuck out of here. - Yeah, no worries, man. I'll see you guys. We definitely got to follow them and find out, though.
21 Jump Street
Liking comic books is popular. Environmental awareness, being tolerant. If I was just born 10 years later, I would have been the coolest person ever. I know. It's bullshit.
21 Jump Street
They say it's when two atoms share both their electrons. It helps them to stick together.
21 Jump Street
Guys, hey, wait. Guys, you're not on the list. Hey, guys, wait! Who cares?
21 Jump Street
Those are the guys from the park. That's just too crazy.
21 Jump Street
Let's go, God damn it! Let's do this! Let's go! Come on!