So, the paddock is quite safe, then? We have the best structural engineers in the world. Yeah, so did Hammond.
Jurassic World
- Yeah, hello? - Lowery. Get me coordinates on the lndominus.
Jurassic World
Eyes on me. Blue? Blue!
Jurassic World
Lift me up. I can't see! - I'm not Dad. - And you're not five.
Jurassic World
No,no,no! Looks like the fox got in the henhouse.
Jurassic World
Ladies and gentlemen, we 'd like to thank you for your patience. The next ferry will be leaving in 45 minutes. If you require immediate medical attention, please report to the nearest health service station. Is this what you had in mind? Okay, people. We have an extraction point at the east dock.
Jurassic World
We have eyes on the target, south of the Aviary. Proceed and engage. Come on! Look alive, boys! Look alive!
Jurassic World
We gotta go. Okay. Come on, come on.
Jurassic World
You still have those matches?
Jurassic World
Drive! Drive! Go!
Jurassic World
Tomorrow, I'm gonna spend the entire day with them. I'm going to take off work, and I will not leave their side. I promise. Well, a promise tomorrow is worth a lot less than trying today. Ew! You're using Mom's lines now? Oh, my God. lam using Mom's lines. I'm sorry, but you know, I have to tell you, they work. You'll see when you have kids. Yeah, "if." "When." It's worth it. Bye, Mom.
Jurassic World
Lowery, we found her. South of the Gyrosphere Valley, between the old park and the Aviary. Wait, are you following the dinosaur? Yes. Get ACU out here. Real guns this time. ACU is airborne. They took the helicopter. Who's flying it?
Jurassic World
The new mission is to prevent further loss of life. Who are these guys? I'm glad you asked.
Jurassic World
Jurassic World
These doors haven't been opened in weeks.
Jurassic World
Hal Osterly, vice president. Jim Drucker, bad hair. Erica Brand, deserves better. Hal, Jim, Erica. Hal, Jim, Erica. And I am Claire. Three minutes late. Welcome to Jurassic World.
Jurassic World
That's not a real dinosaur.
Jurassic World
We've learned more from genetics in the past decade than a century of digging up bones.