Wow! What do you want? There's gonna be plenty of time to get rejected by Cheryl after 12:00 a.m. on June 1st. So what I need you guys to focus on, is the fact that we're a team. Right? We love each other, and we love this. Let's bask in that. Stay focused on our mission. All right? Let's get back on this horse and ride. Let's get this asshole. Lou, not part of it. Not at all.
Wow. Oh, boy. Guys, call a doctor! - Can you hear me? - Buddy?
Keeping fitness fun, buddy.
Just typical woods stuff.
Well, that's kind of a dicky question.
Hey, man.
Remind me again, is it on the kiss or after they walk back down the aisle? Seriously? You said you'd worked weddings before. The kiss, the doves, end of ceremony. The groom was very specific about this. ...and finds new ways of expressing love through the ups and downs of life. Susan, do you take Jerry to be your husband?
"To everyone asking, the wedding has been postponed. "Thank you for your thoughts and prayers." It's from Jerry's mom.
You may kiss the bride. I love you.
Someone there's gotta know where he is. - I like this. That's a good idea. - Great! - Up top! Buckle up, gang! - Yes! Giddy up! - You're it, by the way. - What's wrong? - My fucking knee. - What's wrong with your knee? I got hit by a log. You got hit by a log, what? We were chasing him. I got hit by a fucking log. It really hurts. I'm gonna go in. Fuck, I'm pissed off about this, but go. You want me to call the pediatrician? I'm an adult. I don't need a pediatrician. You're not coming? I think I'm gonna slow you down. Why don't you guys go? After the gym, let's meet up. All right, fine. Trust me, I wanna go, but I just-- Y'all need a sub? Huh? I'm in! We're super good, man. Thanks! We're good. Who's banned now, bitch?
Ho, ho, ho, ho. Chilli, Chilli, Chilli...
I am.
Come on!
How did that go? I'm all turned around. About what?
So thank you.
I'm the girl who cried miscarriage. But I had to get him out of that room and distract you for a couple of hours so that the amendment could kick in. Wait. Are you even pregnant? No, I was never pregnant. You were never pregnant? Whoa. Just listen. Jerry knew that you guys might get the drop on him so "Operation Miscarriage" was our fail-safe. - It was an operation? - It was actually my idea. - Brilliant. Brilliant! - Ah, thanks. That's diabolical. Everyone's just pissed because you won, and they're boys. They can't get pregnant, so they can't fake a miscarriage. It's true. Look, I'm not saying I want you to have a miscarriage. Then don't. 'Cause that would be terrible. But if you ever do have a miscarriage, I don't wanna say that you would deserve it 'cause that's too far, but what I will say and what I do feel is that's what you get.
Really? Plus he sobs after he comes. Okay. Wow. It's okay, Callahan. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Okay, you know what? You guys are all 12-year-olds. Oh, Chilli. Hey, Cheryl, I want to reconnect. Oh, yeah. - What's happening now? - Oh, Bob! Yeah, I'm just... Oh, I'm just feeling the vibes. I mean, who wants to have sex with a guy named Bob? "Oh, Bob." Just doesn't sound right. "Oh, Bob." -"Oh, Bob." -"on, Bob." -"Bob. Bob, Bob." -"Oh, Robert." "Bob." I wasn't gonna text you, you know? I didn't wanna mess with you when you were married. No, I think that's nice. Respectful. If I knew he was dead, I would have texted right away. All right. Okay. - No! Please don't leave on that! - No, it's fine. We're good. We're good. I'm just gonna use the ladies' room. - I'll see you later. - Okay. - It's nice to see you. - It's great to see you. You too.