One AGM-65 Maverick missile very much like this one in three, two, one.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
What's it in? Left or the right?
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
It was the right. Now, if you don't mind, I'll take my watch back.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
You just described me. I don't-- Idea-- Danny, shush. Idea: Why don't you come spend a little bit of time with me and, you know, do your research, find your character, all that?
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
How'd you do it?
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
You don't look like a business manager.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
Check the monitors. Show me where. The signal's bouncing all around the server. I can't lock it down. ...squiggly dash, eight... Come on.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
Go on. They don't know what he looks like. He guarded his visual identity very closely.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
Leave this with me. Fucking Jesus. Fucking Swedish.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
Keep him talking.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
Shall we? I'll get the ice creams, you get the wheel. Can't be, Sarah. All that fuss over 30 million dollars' worth of guns? It's too small a crime for too big a player. If it's a cover, it's a very good one. It's enough evidence to feel his collar, but not enough to choke him with it. Understood, but there's nothing linking this deal to the Handle. Pooh. Get out of there and get back as soon as you can. Let me just dig a bit deeper and find some evidence we can hold over him for a rainy day. Okay, but be quick.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
You can keep your commission, Gregory. - Oh, yeah? - Oh, yeah. You can keep your commission, you can keep your reputation, your liberty. Because you're gonna donate your said commission to your favorite charity, Orphans of War.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
Now that you've sucked it dry, return to safe.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
What do I do? I suggest you get ready for your next scene. -Which is? -The getaway. Right. I know how to do that. -Action time. -Right. I'll see you in the garage. - Okay, darling.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
Too late. I've sold 'em. I've invested the money. We are now in the movie business.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
We're roadblocked. They have my wife. They will kill her.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
Marcia, Marcia, Marcia. Confirm tracker in place. Why do I get the feeling we're not the only team in town? Can't be. I would know. Okay, that's odd. Either it's a glitch in the network or someone's-- someone is very good. In my experience, it's seldom the network. Who could do that?