-What about your mate? -Power nap. He'll be all right in a minute. Okay, are you guys done? I heard a gunshot.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
That's strange, 'cause, uh, according to the map, it says this way. No. This way, sir.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
Ah, little Miss Paradox. She got in your head yet?
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
Let's do that again.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
Up the stairs, first floor, bedroom on the left.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
Looks like he's en route for a coffee.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
Is it safe to go in? It's hard to tell, but there is nobody moving.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
Find the laptop? Found. And now I'd like you to plug in that drive and slap enter. Whatever they control, I can control better. We have full access to their computer.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
Apparently, you're the new John. Not meaning a toilet or prostitute's client, I take it? Please don't pee on me. I don't do that anymore.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
Nathan, Mike's back again. I heard. You deal with Greg. I'll handle Mike. You do your thing, and, uh, I'll do mine. Okay, sweetheart.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
I'll do it. I can get inside Alexander's. I hope you take him to dinner first.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
Who's your buyer, Greg?
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
They're going off road. I'm parking up.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
You guys have to stop doing this to me. I don't know if that was the most exhilarating moment of my life or the most terrifying moment of my life, but Danny Francesco playing Danny Francesco, that is the way forward.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
Let's go to work.
Operation Fortune: Ruse de guerre
Shh. Shh. -Is anyone dead? -No. No thanks to you. -What? -You said it was clear. -I said the front was clear. -I came out the front. Yeah, you know, they usually keep the Olympic-size swimming pools in the back of the house.