-Oh, shit. -[shaman chanting] What if he tells them about our Mayan wedding?
Vacation Friends
"Titleist 7."
Vacation Friends
Vacation Friends
My man.
Vacation Friends
[coughing, wheezing] Aw, man. Never mind, I'm good. [body thuds]
Vacation Friends
[chuckles] I'm preggers!
Vacation Friends
Put that thing away.
Vacation Friends
A kiss on the forehead is the ultimate sign of respect. I learned that from a sheikh in Kuwait. A forehead kiss is really intimate. You know that, right? Like, I almost proposed to you. -[laughs] -[chuckles]
Vacation Friends
I mean, I was right. I mean, y'all are, like, fucking nuts. -[chuckles] -But-- But in a good way, man.
Vacation Friends
[Emily scoffs]
Vacation Friends
Fubar. My brain is absolutely fubar. I had the key in my other pocket the whole time. [Kyla] You silly goose. -[Harold] Oh, God. -[Kyla] You goofball. -Here we go. -[Kyla] Yes.
Vacation Friends
Twice they've gotten the Presidential Suite. How does this keep happening? [scoffs] -Baby, can I ask you something? -Yes, babe.
Vacation Friends
[Emily's mother] Jesus, I wish we had never hired this caterer. Now he's telling me that he's having trouble sourcing steaks for tomorrow night. I'm so sorry, but I do just have to go on record and say that I told you to go with Ford Fry. -You did not listen to me… -Brooke, please. Okay. [stammers] Guys, please, for me. Mom, I am super positive that the caterer will figure it all out. So for the next two hours, can we just not think about steak? -Yes, dear. -[whispering] Thank you. Wait, guys, steaks? I know a place that has amazing steaks. Ron and I just went there on our way here 'cause it's right down the block. Hal's in Buckhead? They were asking $300 a plate. Oh, no. Girl, this place is under ten. Damn, that's a steal. -What restaurant is this? -Oh, it's called Waffle House.
Vacation Friends
Marcus kissed me on the forehead… in a Waffle House. That's huge.
Vacation Friends
[both laughing] Mr. Parker! And you must be Emily. I'm Maurillio, the manager. Please help yourselves to a papaya paleta powdered in our house-roasted guajillo-cacao rub. Oh. I don't know what this is, but cheers! You must be very eager to get to your suite where there may or may not be a surprise waiting for you.
Vacation Friends
Now come on. Eat the moss.
Vacation Friends
Vacation Friends
All right, dick holes. How much we betting? Hey, hey, man. Didn't you hear what he said? No drinking and no gambling. Marcus. Relax. Have some fun, all right? What do you say a hundred a hole? Count me in. [Bennett] Me too. Tell you what. Let's keep it fresh. Back nine we double the stakes. -Double? -Problem? [chuckles] Please. You see what I'm driving? [Ron] That's you, the red one?