Speaking, Mr. Parker. How'd you know it was me? Uh, let's just say after eight or nine calls, I become very much acquainted with the timbre of your voice. I'm just calling you to confirm you set up everything we discussed. Yes. Yes, yes. I have personally seen to it. The Dom Pérignon, the rose petals in the bed, the Bill Withers playlist "Greatest Hits: No Deep Cuts." Sir, if she says no after all this, I will marry you. All right, Maurillio. Not-- Not you too-- [man chanting] [whooping] [Maurillio] Sir? You trailed off. All good. Gracias.
Vacation Friends
I knew it. Dr. Adolphus. You've been giving her pills this whole time? She's in so much pain. I'm just helping her manage it. -[Emily] Oh, my God. -What the fuck, Kyla? -What? -She's old. She could OD. -Grandma, spit it out. -Hey, guys. -[coughing] -Grandma, Grandma. Spit it out. Grandma. Spit it out, Grandma! Grandma. I feel like I missed something. You know what? Just try and swallow-- Come here! You had no right to give her drugs. Oh, no, no. No, no, no, babe. They're not drugs. They're herbs. Dr. Adolphus-- No, he's a homeopathic doctor. Bullshit. You said he got in trouble with the law. Yeah, for selling raw milk. Oregon's just not as liberal as people think. Whatever. The fact is, that's my grandma. You should not have been giving her anything. [Marcus] That's the problem with you two. Y'all love poking your noses in other people's shit. Marcus, that's not true. Oh, it's not true? So, why would you invite my coworkers to a wedding without asking me? Why did you pawn my rings? You didn't ask me if we wanted to do that either. Or why would you put cocaine in the drinks of people you don't even know? Because I would want people to put cocaine in my drink if they just met me. We were just trying to be nice. "Trying to be nice" just blew up my fucking wedding! [Marcus] This the crazy part. We have no idea why you're here 'cause we didn't even invite you. Marcus, we're here because we're your friends. Friends? You think we're friends? We're not friends, okay! We were just vacation friends for one week in Mexico! We didn't plan on seeing y'all again, at all! That's why I didn't give you my phone number!
Vacation Friends
Hey, guys. I don't mean to pry or anything, but are you guys, like, secret billionaires or something? -Why do you ask? -'Cause this place looks very expensive. Oh, super expensive. We spent, like, every penny we had on this place. Yeah. Wait. Why would you do that? [man] My buddy Charlie came here way back when and raved about it. If we're gonna go on vacation, might as well go all out, right? And just go broke? Oh, we'll make more money. I work in a doctor's office. Ron here is a park ranger. And not to brag, we're pretty good. Kyla and I always say if we find ourselves with too much money, we haven't been spending it fast enough. That-- That's one way to live. You know, they say money buys you freedom, but how can you really be free if you're thinking about making money all the time? Well, I guess it's your welfare checks I've been paying. [chuckles] Possibly. Possibly, Marcus. -[chuckling] Anyway, to the happy couple. -[Kyla] To the happy, gorgeous couple! -All right. -[Kyla] Yeah, you're engaged! [giggles]
Vacation Friends
Oh, no, no, no. What if he say anything about this trip? Oh, no. Okay, look. Okay, we got this. We just gotta contain it. [chattering] Hey, uh, w-where are you guys going? Oh, I'm gonna show Ron and Kyla their room. Wait, Harold. I thought you said everything was full. [Harold] Everything was. Except the Presidential Suite. So I splurged on it. -[Kyla] I'm so excited! You're my guy! -[Harold laughs] Why wouldn't he do that for us? We the ones getting married. Look, if you need anything, please let me know. We will. And… [sighs] …thanks again, Captain. Also, I hope you join us in the morning. We have a little fox hunt lined up. -That's easy. Found her. -[chuckles]
Vacation Friends
Hey! Look, look. Can y'all class it up a little bit? -I told you-- -What's your problem? We're just two men having a conversation about cognac. No, I told you to put the two glasses in there. -No. -Hey. Look here. It's not about the glasses. You talked about farting. Nobody care about Dad's gas like that. And, Dad, you can't tell nobody how much you spent on the gift. What's the point in spending so much money then? -How about this. Go-- Go get some food. -[mother] Mmm. It is so much food over there. Y'all should go eat. -Well, let me just say this. -Uh-oh. We will not talk to anyone else this entire weekend if that's what you want. If that's what you want. I'm not gonna embarrass you. -Ma, no. -[father] See what you gone done? Believe me. We're not hungry. We not gonna eat any of your food. -Ma. I know y'all hungry. -You done messed up, boy. -Dad-- Could you talk to her for me? -No, sir. Ma-- Ma. [jazz music playing] [chattering] -…not us. -[laughs] -[sighs] You ready? Here we go. -[man] Ladies and gentlemen, may I please present to you the bride and groom-to-be, Emily and Marcus! [applause, cheering]
Vacation Friends
What makes you think I didn't take my last marriage seriously? Damn, son. This some fancy shit. You done come a long way from drinkin' 40s on the stoop with little Jay and Reggie. -Oh, stop. [laughs] -Hey. Ooh, I'm so glad to be out that car. Your father farting the whole way. [father] You know I got the diverticulitis. Anyway, good to see you, Harry. We brought you a little something. Oh, thank you. Yeah, that's not the regular Hennessy. That's VSOP, $71. [mother] Yeah, that was a set. It came with two glasses, but we kept those 'cause we thought you had glasses. [laughs] I think I see the councilman. I should go say hello. -Oh. Yeah. -I like that jacket. Yeah. And tell the councilman I say hi too. [laughing]
Vacation Friends
[Harold] Oh. Darn it, I must have left the keys at the front desk. -Stand down. -Sir, yes, sir. [Kyla] Bye. That's so sweet. -[Emily] Thanks, Dad. -[Harold] Be right back. -Okay, look. Um, could you do me a favor? -Yeah. 'Cause I'm trying to make a good impression on her family. -Sure. -Totally. It's that you don't mention anything about the Mexico trip. Nothing. Nothing at all. Oh, Marcus. You're so funny. It's just one catamaran. It's really not a big deal. Yeah, it's not about the catamaran. Okay? It's all the other crazy shit that happened. All the insane shit, it doesn't need to be mentioned here. At all. Okay, we got you. We got you. It's just, um… Well, the, uh-- the crazy shit is one of the reasons we came here. See, something happened, and it's something intense. I just-- Um, I went to the doctor, and they found a growth in my abdomen. Oh, my God. I'm so sorry. Yeah, and the doctor, I guess he says it's-- it's only gonna get bigger.
Vacation Friends
What? [birds chirping] [reporter on radio] …arrested for breaking into a Pine Valley lake house. Luckily for him, police quickly discovered the problem. He once owned the home and they believe he was simply confused. Officer on the scene says there will be no charges filed. Matthew Sweeney's World of Magic Tour is over and-- [vehicle approaching] -[man 1] Whoa! -[man 2] Whoa! [tires screeching] -[man 1] Hell, man! -[man 2] Whoa!
Vacation Friends
[sighs] Oh, Emily says Harold is still missing. He was gone the whole night? -You think your employees whupped his ass? -[Nancy] Oh, stop. Dad, no, okay. My employees wouldn't… -Nah, you-- you're being ridiculous. -[door opens] [laughing] There he is. The man of the hour. Are y'all drinking already? We still going from last night. Yeah, man. Your wedding just gets better and better. Well, I'm glad you enjoying yourself, but, honestly, I don't think we gonna have a wedding anymore. -Do we get the Hennessy back? -Mmm. What are you talking about? It's happening. -Says who? -[door opens]
Vacation Friends
[chuckles] Try that. Oh, man.
Vacation Friends
Vacation Friends
-I am sorry. I cannot fix it. -Fuck you, Maurillio! That's fair.
Vacation Friends
Marcus, it was life-changing.
Vacation Friends
I mean, I was right. I mean, y'all are, like, fucking nuts. -[chuckles] -But-- But in a good way, man.
Vacation Friends
[whispering] Behind you.
Vacation Friends
[door opens] [chattering] Uh… Baby, is that Zeke?
Vacation Friends
"Titleist 7."
Vacation Friends
Goddamn, I need a tequila. You want one? I'm pouring. -Chilled or straight up? -Yeah, I'll take a tequila. Nice. Just, uh, keep an eye out for the rocks. Yeah, I'll take it on the rocks too. Thank you.