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[ Yelps ] - [ Gun Cocks ] - [ Whimpers ]

Johnny English

[ Whispers ] Oh, no.

Johnny English

[ Fart ]

Johnny English

Now, Agent One believed that there was a plot to steal the Crown Jewels. They've recently been through a multimillion-pound restoration, largely paid for by a corporate sponsor. They're due to be unveiled tonight at the Tower of London. The queen is insisting that the ceremony goes ahead, so what we want you to-- Hah! Who-- Who-- Who is the sponsor, sir? Pascal Sauvage. What, that flouncy Frenchman who owns a couple of prisons? Sauvage's �7 billion empire, English, operates over 400 prisons in 60 countries. - He's built 25 of them here. - Right, sir. The man's related to the royal family, for goodness'sake. As far as the prime minister's concerned, he's one of the greatest friends England's got. Now, English, I want you at the Tower tonight, monitoring this unveiling. Any chink in security, any weakness, however slight, must be plugged immediately. Do we understand each other? - Perfectly, sir. - Good. - Oh, yes. - And, uh, English... we can't afford any mistakes-- not tonight. The word ''mistake,'' sir, is not one that appears in my dictionary. THE TOWER OF LONDON [ Engine Revs ] Fantastic car, sir!

Johnny English

There are some items you need to sign before your briefing. This is your new retinal I.D. card, and this is your level nine security clearance. Sign and date, please. Ah. Oh, reminds me of the old service issue ballpoint. I remember every agent would carry a pen that looked just like this. Completely innocent to the untrained eye, but click it twice-- [ Gasps ]

Johnny English

- Sir! Have you got them? - [ Gasps ] - Hmm? - The mission documents. Agent One's flying tonight. Yes, the mission documents. They're here somewhere. Ah, here we are.

Johnny English

[ Cow Mooing ] [ Man ] Pegasus, we face a national crisis. Agent One was clearly onto something, and we have to find out what. I need another agent on this. Who else is there? No one, Prime Minister. They all died in the explosion. All of them? Well, luckily there is one who survived. Who? * One eye on the shadows * *Protecting his fellows * - *From sunup till the moon on his back * - [ Grunting ] - *Sendin'villains to Hades A hit with the ladies * -Johnny English. *A stallion in the sack * - * You can't get your life back when right follows left,Jack * - [ Groaning ] * The more you see the less you know * * When others would leak it His service is secret * *Plays God when it's your time to go * *Hey, fellas Don't bejealous * * When they made him they broke the mold * *So charismatic with an automatic * *Never prematurely shooting his load * Hah.! * Queen and country safe and sound * * With villains six feet underground * *And no one knows 'cause no one's found any trace * * Of a man for all seasons * *Loves 'em and leaves 'em alone * *So alone * *And you and I wouldn't have a clue who's doin'what, why, when and who * * Up a creek with no canoe Watch out * *For the man for all seasons * *Loves 'em and leaves 'em alone * *So alone * - *But safe at home * - *But safe at home * - * Oh,yeah,yeah * - *But safe at home * *But safe at home But safe at home * * Then you and I wouldn't have a clue who's doin'what, why, when and who * * Up a creek with no canoe Watch out * *For the man for all seasons * *Loves 'em and leaves 'em alone, so alone * *But safe at home ** Right. Johnny English. I'm here to see Pegasus. Still, no sense rushing things.

Johnny English

[ Bell Tolling ] To: MI7 All Depts. Urgent Agent One killed in action in Biarritz. Submarine hatch failed to open. The greatest secret agent England's ever had snuffed out in an instant. Terrible. Do you know what makes us envied the world over, Bough? - That there's always another agent waiting to step in. - Absolutely, sir. And every last one of them is gathered around that grave. It is our honor and privilege to guard them while they grieve. Their lives are in our hands, Bough. [ Tires Screeching ]

Johnny English

- [ Clears Throat ] - Thank you. Your mission documents, Agent One. Including the codes for the submarine hatch, which I've checked myself. Thank you. So, is it just France tonight, or will you be slipping over the Pyrenees as well? If I told you that, I'm afraid I'd have to kill you. Oh. [ Nervous Chuckle ] [ Muttering ] Oh,yes,yes. Well, I expect you would. Cheerio, Agent One. Bonne chance. Arrivederci.

Johnny English

Everything in order, English? I think you'll find it's rather more than just in order, sir. You're now entering the most secure location in the whole of England.

Johnny English

SOMEWHERE I N THE SOUTH OF FRANCE [ Lorna ] SirJohnny English. Her Majesty did seem very grateful.

Johnny English

I'd say that would be virtually impossible.

Johnny English

[ Dogs Barking ]

Johnny English

Ah, Agent One.

Johnny English

Sir? Sir?

Johnny English

Excuse me, sir. I'm very sorry to interrupt-- Pascal, how nice to see you again. - Enjoying the party? - Oh, splendid affair. I was until I was informed that your man English... and his curious boyfriend here have spent the evening... breaking into my office and assaulting my staff. - Is this true, Bough? - Well, we-- we-- What do you think you're up to? - Sir, if I could just offer-- - Go home, Bough! Now! I gave you direct orders not to meddle with Sauvage. What do you do? Break into his office and assault two of his staff. Then you march in here, loaded with God knows what, and insult the foreign secretary. I haven't encountered such behavior in Whitehall in 30 years. - But-- - There are no ''buts,'' English. You're off the case. Your security clearance is hereby canceled. After a three-month leave of absence, you will return at your old grade. And I hope never to hear your name again.

Johnny English

I don't know why you hauled yourself up that dreadful poo tube, Bough, when there was a perfectly good ladder right beside it. Now, Sauvage may have fooled the country... with his fake archbishop and his secret agenda, but he hasn't fooled me.

Johnny English

[ Screaming, Gasping ]

Johnny English