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You see, 200 years ago, my family should have inherited the throne of England, but they were cast aside. Well, in a few very short days, it will be back where it belongs.

Johnny English

- Hang on tight, Bough. - [ Bough Groaning ]

Johnny English

My God, what have they done to you? They've taken some of my blood. - Bastards! - It's only for tests. Of course it is. Come on, my friend. Let's get you out ofhere before they take anything else.

Johnny English

Oh, I nearly forgot, sir. Your laser beacon. - My what? - Your laser beacon! It'll guide you onto Sauvage's building. Your dependence on hardware really does amuse me, Bough. I've been dropped into the Kalahari Desert... carrying nothing more than a toothbrush and a packet of sherbet lemons, and I still found my way to Bulawayo before Ramadan. So thank you, Bough, but no thank you.

Johnny English

This is worse than I thought, Bough. Sauvage has got some kind of laboratory set up here. God knows what kind of sick operation he's running. [ Door Opens ]

Johnny English

Excuse me. Sorry. I'm from MI7. Sorry. I'm a secret agent.

Johnny English

Ah! Good evening, Dr. Frankenstein. This way, please. Come on. I haven't got all night. And you, you angels of death. About turn. Come on, let's go. Come on, come on. Keep moving. Come on. Over there. I know what you're doing here. And you. Come on. Quicker. Quicker. Over there.

Johnny English

[ Groaning ]

Johnny English

- Everything set, Bough? -Just about, sir. Actually, sir, do you mind if I run through the plan one more time? - No, no. - These are the two buildings here. This one is our target, Sauvage's headquarters, next to City Hospital. I jump first and land on the south side of the roof, abseil down 1 4 floors and cut through this window here. [ English ] I then land on the east side and abseil down 1 2 floors. Where you wait for my signal that I've disabled the alarm system. - Yes. - You them break into this window here, work your way along the secure corridor and penetrate Sauvage's office. - Yes, yes. - Is that okay, sir? It's been okay ever since I thought up the idea, Bough.

Johnny English

Can you see him, Bough? He's on the upper level, sir.

Johnny English

All right. Tonight I shall be at Sauvage's reception for the new French ambassador. Any developments, you can reach me there. Apart from that, I don't want you within a hundred miles of the man. Absolutely, sir.

Johnny English


Johnny English

I'm okay, sir. Are you at the bottom now, Bough? No, I am in fact stuck now, sir. Oh, for God's sake, Bough. Stay there! I'm coming down. Uh, I'm not especially sure that's a good idea, sir. Don't worry. Be careful, sir.!

Johnny English

Hmm. Les Fran�ais. Ils sont very... n'est-ce pas?

Johnny English

[ Body Falls ]

Johnny English

I shall now mingle inconspicuously with the guests. - Let me know when Her Majesty arrives. - Very good. Shall I mingle with you, sir? Oh, yes, Bough. Once you've checked the roof.

Johnny English

- Are you all right, sir? - Yes. I landed on something quite soft. - That was me, sir. - Oh, good.

Johnny English

Monsieur Sauvage, on behalf of Her Majesty, may I welcome you to the Tower. Merci, monsieur. So, are you here alone, Mr. English? That's how I choose to live my life, Miss Campbell. Women want safety, security. I can offer them nothing but danger. Some women find danger very attractive. Women like you, Miss Campbell? Women like me expect men like you... to find that out for yourself. Hmm. Madame. Oh, it's for me, actually. Could your rustle up some of those cheesy niblets? Now, where were we? You obviously haven't met our host, Monsieur Sauvage. No, thank God. You know, I think I'd rather have my bottom impaled on a giant cactus... than exchange pleasantries with that jumped-up Frenchman. As far as I'm concerned, the only thing the French should host is an invasion. [ Snickers ] Sorry, can I help? Pascal Sauvage, jumped-up Frenchman. Lorna Campbell. I've been so looking forward to meeting you. - Enchant�. - [ Muttering ] But of course! You'reJohnny English. I've heard all about you. And between you and me, I'm not so keen on the French myself. But please don't tell them that. Let me go and search for your nibbly cheese bits. - No, no, no. I-- - I insist. The French are, after all, fantastic waiters. - The best in the world. - Well-- But-But-- - Wait here, and I will wait on you. - No, really. There's no-- No. Please, please, please!

Johnny English