Happy birthday to you You remembered. You're my only daughter.
Lady Bird
["This Eve of Parting" playing ♪]
Lady Bird
Lady Bird
- [toilet flushes] - How long do you think you all will pee? I drank so much soda. - [girl #1] Fuck you. - [girl #2] I just got my period. - Goddammit. - Where're you going? There's never a line in the men's room.
Lady Bird
Here they are. Your completed financial aid applications. - [groans] - Thank you! - [chuckles] Merry Christmas. - Thank you.
Lady Bird
- [harmonica playing] - [vocalizing] [upbeat music playing]
Lady Bird
He didn't understand it. [chattering]
Lady Bird
[piano playing]
Lady Bird
[Lady Bird] Ugh! That car should be illegal. Jenna Walton's not doing any off-roading. She just goes to Pavilions. I heard Jenna Walton has a tanning bed in her house. [Lady Bird] She is so pretty. [Julie] Her skin is luminous.
Lady Bird
Suck a dick. I like "Jules." I just don't get why I'm not good at math. My dad is really good in math. Even Miguel has a math degree. Maybe it's your mom's fault. [contemporary R&B playing ♪]
Lady Bird
[panting] [screams]
Lady Bird
[mom] What happens if somebody gets in an accident? [Larry] Uh, the severance package expires all at once. - Not within the calendar year. - [door closes] - Is she home? - Maybe just leave it tonight. No, she knows better. She can't sneak around like this. - [Larry] Marion. - [door opens] - You can't leave your room like this. - I didn't. None of these things were put away right. - They aren't nice. Christine, now. - I put my clothes away. - My name is Lady Bird. - Don't lie to me. This uniform... This is gonna look like trash on Monday. This isn't right. We can't treat our clothes like this. I don't know what your wealthy friends do... Why do you care what I do to my clothes?
Lady Bird
[chuckles] Cool. Awesome. I totally get that. Thank you. You're welcome. If you had boobs, I wouldn't touch them either. I respect you so much... because I love you. I love you too.
Lady Bird
Didn't you ever go to sleep without putting all your clothes away perfectly? Like even once?
Lady Bird
You know... you can touch my boobs, right? I know. It's just that I respect you too much for that.
Lady Bird
That's our star.
Lady Bird
- Marion, you didn't have to bring that up. - No, Larry, you can't just be the nice guy. She has to know. She has to know how you feel. Otherwise, she's just gonna think she can say anything at all, and nobody ever gets hurt. Wrong side of the tracks! - I didn't mean it that way. - [Marion] Yeah. - It was a joke. - Yeah. It's just a joke Mom and Dad. They don't care. We didn't think we'd be in this house for 25 years. We thought we would've moved some place better. Whatever we give you, it's never enough. - It's never enough. - It is enough. Do you have any idea what it costs to raise you? And how much you're just throwing away every day? Give me a number. What?