I didn't lose my virginity to you. Wait... What? I lost my virginity to Cassy Duvall. Excuse me? You said you were a virgin. No, I didn't. 'Cause I'm not. - And I haven't lied in two years. - Oh, Jesus. Yeah. I probably slept with, like, six people.
Lady Bird
[music continues]
Lady Bird
I want you to be the very best version of yourself that you can be. What if this is the best version?
Lady Bird
- [guy] I think she's weird. - [Jenna] She is weird. Hey, guys. I guess I'll just sit shotgun. Yeah.
Lady Bird
Why are you crying? Just crying. Some people aren't built happy, you know.
Lady Bird
- You look really nice, Kyle. - You look good. Thanks.
Lady Bird
I actually want to go to prom.
Lady Bird
Who's Julie?
Lady Bird
You give me a number for how much it cost to raise me. And I'm going to get older and make a lot of money, and write you a check for what I owe you. So that I never have to speak to you again.
Lady Bird
Yay. [chuckles] - [sighs] - [knocking on door]
Lady Bird
- This is the Deuce? - Yeah. - It's a parking lot? - Yeah. We were in one parking lot and we went to another parking lot? Hey, Kyle. Lady Bird and I just decorated the Nun-mobile. Like, just married to Jesus. That's hella tight.
Lady Bird
[Mr. Bruno] So, everybody clear on applying rules of exponents? You guys with me? Don't leave me hanging. Give me a nod. That's good. Maybe even a verbal confirmation. Yes. Aha! Thank you. That's what I like to hear. All right. So I'm gonna be passing back your graded quizzes. I urge you to find the problems where you went wrong and work them out. Good job, Jules. I can tell from your work you even understood the ones you missed. [mutters]
Lady Bird
- Just pull over here. - Are you sure? - I can drive you to the front. - No. This is fine. I like to walk. [sets parking brake] Well, I love you. So, what do you think about college? - See what I can do. - Thanks, Dad.