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[woman] Do you think I look like I'm from Sacramento?

Lady Bird

[man] Did you know toothpaste is basically ineffective. - It's like sucking on a mint. - Mike Kelly died. - I didn't even know he was sick again. - [spits]

Lady Bird

[birds twittering]

Lady Bird

Is it too pink?

Lady Bird

She'll come back.

Lady Bird

[reporter] Mortar rounds fired at the camp that will fly over them if they are down below on surface of the ground. And that is hard work, indeed. Believe me. We've had to do it...

Lady Bird

Guess you won't be going to any dances in college. This is our last one. You know Davis has a terrific theater if you're still interested in theater. - Are ya? - I'm probably no good at acting. [exhales] Why don't I look like the girls in the magazines? It's too bad I can't meet this Kyle before prom. Well, he's not my boyfriend anymore. I mean, maybe he never even was. Well, I'd still like to meet him.

Lady Bird

- You okay? - Yeah. [kisses]

Lady Bird

You don't even know if it's six people? I don't keep a list. Why wouldn't you keep a list? - We're in high school. - Whoa. Why are you... What? - Why are you getting so moody? - You did say you were a virgin.

Lady Bird

I thought you didn't even care what I think. - I still want you to think I look good. - Okay. I'm sorry. I was telling you the truth. You want me to lie? No. I mean, I just wish... I just... I wish that you liked me. Of course I love you.

Lady Bird

Miss Patty assigned you a role by the way, you just never showed up to claim it! - What role? - The tempest! - There is no role of the tempest! - It is the titular role! No, it's a made up thing so we all can participate! You can't do anything unless you're the center of attention, can you? Yeah. Well, you know your mom's tits, they're fake. Totally fake! She made one bad decision at 19! Two bad decisions! [female teacher] And at 15, this girl was pregnant. She decided that she was going to get an abortion. It made sense. It was the right thing to do. - She was sitting there... - Let me guess, she didn't get it. ...and something deep inside of her said, - "No." - Bingo. Anyone want to guess who this woman is? The young lady right here. - You? - No. It was not me. [girl] Um, your friend? No. The girl in the story was... my mother. [students gasps] I am that baby that she decided not to abort. That could have been me. That could have been my fate. Just because something looks ugly doesn't mean it's morally wrong. [teacher] What did you say, ma'am?

Lady Bird

Aren't you, sort of, proud that I'm so close to getting in? Just a little? I mean... yes, I know it was probably easier because 9-11 and less people applying with terrorism and all that, but still though, I'm sorry. I know I can lie and not be a good person, but... please, Mom. Please. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I-I appreciate everything you've done for me. I'm ungrateful and I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I wanted more.

Lady Bird

[chuckles] Oh, I almost forgot. I brought you these hot rollers... for your Jim Morrison hair. - Thank you so much. - You're welcome. - You'll have to show me how to use them. - It would be my pleasure.

Lady Bird

Do not ask me, "Mr. Bruno, is this gonna be on the finals," or, "Mr. Bruno, is this gonna be on the midterm?" Because I'm not gonna tell you. That is none of your business. - [laughs] - Those aren't the rules. This is my house. [sighs] "A reading from a letter of St. John."

Lady Bird

The pills. They have Dad's name on them. [inhales] Dad's been struggling with depression for years.

Lady Bird


Lady Bird

My-My grandma wanted me to tell you that she missed you at Christmas. Yeah. Well, I couldn't have gone anyway. My mom was pissed about Thanksgiving. Your mom is crazy. I'm scared of her. She's not crazy. She's just, you know, she has a big heart. She's very warm. I don't find your mother warm. - You don't? - No. No, she's warm. Yeah. - But she's also, kind of, scary. - Well, you can't be scary and warm. - I think you can. Your mom is. - You're gay.

Lady Bird

Who is Jim Morrison again? He was in a rock band, moron. The Doors. - I knew that. - This is with your employee discount? Yeah. It's already included. Oh, my... Okay. - [teacher] Ma. - [students] Ma. - Mana. - Mana. - Manala. - Manala. Because it's not important to be right. It's only important to be... - [students] True. - Exactly! - [girl] Purple. - [exclaims] - [boy] Two. - [stomps] - Two. - [stomps] Two. - [claps] - [clicks tongue]

Lady Bird