Found 1087 results
We should be able to pull her out soon. - [ Gasps ] - Oh, boy! Whew. Oh. Well, how soon? She should be up by tomorrow morning at the latest.
The Big Sick
Hey, it's me. So, uh, did you want to meet at the gallery? Oh, my God! [ Laughing ] Oh, my God! Oh, my God! A bird just hit me in the head!
The Big Sick
- Kumail? - All right, I'll tell you. - Tell. - I was...
The Big Sick
People say Sam! Do you know him?
The Big Sick
So why did you meet me?
The Big Sick
[ Sighs ] Oh... fuck.
The Big Sick
You deserve better than me.
The Big Sick
[ All speaking Urdu ]
The Big Sick
Have you been to the Cat Café? The cats just come up to you and nestle in your lap, and you just pet them.
The Big Sick
[ Sniffles ]
The Big Sick
They also just dropped in. [ All greeting in Urdu ]
The Big Sick
I'm just really tired. [ Sniffles ]
The Big Sick
I don't think that's a good idea.
The Big Sick
With anybody.
The Big Sick
It's not you.
The Big Sick
You know, that all depends. Here, look at the comments.
The Big Sick
Wow, they should call this web site, "everything is cancer dot-com." Whatever symptom you put in, it could be cancer.
The Big Sick
Oh, hey, I-- I-- All right, I got to go.
The Big Sick