Just got off the phone with Bangkok P.D. They got him. He's okay. Oh. Thank God. Doug found him. - What happened? - He got arrested. - Arrested? For what? - Disorderly conduct. - Seriously? - Yeah. He's okay, though. They'll release him to you, no questions asked. No one here has to know. He's at the, uh...
The Hangover Part II
Oh, jeez. Chow.
The Hangover Part II
Oh, I got shot. Fuck! Fuck, guys. It's all right, Phil. We'll figure this all out and get the monkey back. I promise. No one gives a fuck about the monkey, Alan! Oh, shit, look at my arm. What the fuck is going on?! Stu, am I gonna be okay? You're a doctor. I don't know. Let me look, let me look.
The Hangover Part II
Then it will be fun.
The Hangover Part II
Listen, Teddy, I'm really sorry. We didn't mean for any of this to happen.
The Hangover Part II
- Yes, I have his paperwork here. - Okay. - He has been cleared. - Sounds good. - Of course. - Thank you. We're good, we're good. They're processing for release.
The Hangover Part II
- You all right? - Yeah.
The Hangover Part II
No, it's just ...
The Hangover Part II
Okay, I got it. Teddy was hit by a truck.
The Hangover Part II
It is nourishment that everyone can digest.
The Hangover Part II
Here we go.
The Hangover Part II
What is that?
The Hangover Part II
No talk. No talk.
The Hangover Part II
The hands of a brilliant musician... and one day, a great surgeon.
The Hangover Part II
Do you know where our friend is?! Teddy! He's missing! Stu, forget it. The guy's worthless. He knows something. He's wearing Teddy's sweatshirt.
The Hangover Part II
Shit, that's in 20 minutes.
The Hangover Part II
Hey, Alan, you want my awesome sunglasses, you just ask Chow. You don't have to kill me. Chow, nobody killed you. You were already dead. You didn't have a pulse. Oh, you never do blow before? Sometime your heart stop, start up again. Read a book.