- Uh, Teddy's seasick, actually. - Seasick? Teddy's been a maritime deck cadet since he was 9. Well, that's weird, because he's puking everywhere. I'm gonna tell you something that you did not know. I don't like you. - Yeah, I knew that already. - My daughter chooses you... that's her problem. - Hey, it's Phil Winnick. Listen, I apologize. We've been reeling in some crazy marlin, and I just want...
The Hangover Part II
All right. Toast. Come on, stand up, guys.
The Hangover Part II
He take coke to buyer... and deliver cash to dealer.
The Hangover Part II
And now I believe that Teddy has something to say.
Chok is soft white rice in lukewarm water. It has no taste. We feed it to small baby and very old people.
The Hangover Part II
How's that work? Shoot my load into you, you shoot your load on the floor. - Okay. - You shot your load in me?
The Hangover Part II
Hey, check it out. He's got a banana on his helmet. - These guys are the real deal. - What's happening? Hold on. How did this happen? Do you know where our friend is? Yeah, yeah, yeah! Yeah, 16 years old, Asian kid?
The Hangover Part II
Don't worry, I got this shit.
The Hangover Part II
That's okay. That is just wildly inappropriate. And yet I'm really glad you're here. All you guys.
The Hangover Part II
I know where to go. What do you think, Alan? Uh, this is the place. Come on, let's go.
The Hangover Part II
But Chaiyo loves chok.
The Hangover Part II
Thanks. - Whats the matter with you? He's 16. - Yeah, Alan. Take it easy. I'm a little confused. Is he here just to see us off or what? - How does this work? - How does what work? Is that person coming to the wedding?