Totally fixable. A bit of sod, we'll be fine. - Baby! - Oh, my God. - Hi. - Ah, I'm so happy to see you.
The Hangover Part II
Look out!
The Hangover Part II
Jesus Christ. That's when the cops arrived, started cracking skulls. I took you guys and hid you in the shop here.
The Hangover Part II
Bangkok has him now and she'll never let him go. You hear that? Huh? - Is this what you wanted? Happy now? - Phil. You're wasting your time. These monks take their vow shit seriously. Look at this. That's the sign of the Chiang Mei monastery just outside of town.
The Hangover Part II
He just did.
The Hangover Part II
So where's the monkey?
The Hangover Part II
Why is he pulling on it? He's probably hungry. Wait a second. Is that...? Aah! What the fuck, man?! Tell that gay monkey to leave my shit alone! Chow'?!
The Hangover Part II
Sorry. Ahem. Sorry. Alan! What the fuck?! It's okay! it's okay. The gun, very sensitive. Very sensitive. - Everybody okay? - Yeah, okay. Okay? Then get the fuck back to work! Come on! Music, please!
The Hangover Part II
They're gonna take good care of you here, okay?
The Hangover Part II
Okay. Look, we'll handle this. You get back there. You tell them that Alan and I got drunk with him, we're still partying. - You gotta go get married. - No, no. I'm not going back without Teddy. It's Lauren's little brother, he's lost, he's injured.
The Hangover Part II
This is so absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much. Of course. Between Teddy and me, you must be pretty excited. Pretty soon you'll have two doctors in the family. Ha, ha.
The Hangover Part II
Where's Teddy? He's waiting downstairs in my car. We'll send him up... when the transfer is complete. - Tell you what: Give me extra 50 grand, you keep Teddy. And I throw in this other fat fuck for free.
The Hangover Part II
The Hangover Part II
- Thanks, man. - All right, let's do this. Come on. Come on, come on. Doug, we found him. Yeah! I know, I know, but we're on our way. Okay, bye. All right, guests are arriving, people are starting to ask questions... but we can still pull this off. - How? - I don't know. Like, a taxi? - Chow's speedboat. - What? Last thing I remember was getting off Chow's speedboat. Chow has a speedboat? The Perfect Life.
The Hangover Part II
- You guys okay? - What the fuck's going on? Detective Inspector Peters, Interpol. - You're a cop? - Yes. This sting operation's been in place for weeks. When Samir told us that your friend was lost... we took advantage of that information.
The Hangover Part II
Please. I was raised in yacht clubs. I know what I'm doing. You know where we're going?