- Was your nappie good? - Been awake. - I was looking for you. - I know, I'm... - Well, I met this lovely gentleman. - Oh, yeah? I'd like you to meet Charles Cavendish. - He's a lord. Right? - How do you do? - A lord? - Well, actually a viscount. - Oh. - Although viscounts are addressed as Lord, which probably accounts for the lovely Audrey's confusion. There you go. She gets confused with me too. Sometimes I'm the king. Sometimes I'm Daddy.
Murder Mystery
I told you I had something big for you at dinner, and you couldn't wait till tomorrow morning?
Murder Mystery
I can get up. Hey, okay. I'll be out in a minute.
Murder Mystery
- Quince. - Uncle...
Murder Mystery
Oh, babe, you're the worst shot!
Murder Mystery
I mean, is there a French holiday we're unaware of? What the hell do you do? Look...
Murder Mystery
I will now summon you one by one to the grand lounge for questioning.
Murder Mystery
Dinner was insane, but that's expected.
Murder Mystery
I don't know how you do things in Brooklyn, but here we need evidence to make an arrest. This is not how this is supposed to happen. The detective is supposed to explain the murders, which we just did, and then the killer is supposed to crack and freak out under pressure and admit it!
Murder Mystery
Oh, God, no! No, no, no! Oh, my God! Is he dead? Is he dead?
Murder Mystery
You told us to come to 802. Are you there?
Murder Mystery
Look at that! A Ferrari! - What? - Testarossa! Magnum P.I.! Me, baby! I got the mustache!
Murder Mystery
People don't write letters anymore, do they?
Murder Mystery
"Some people call me Maurice."
Murder Mystery
Why did you lie to me?
Murder Mystery
And when he awoke, he find his eye is not the only thing he lost. They blew off his dick. I knew it. I knew it. - His hand. His hand, honey. - The dick. He's saying the dick. - No, no, no. - He doesn't have a hand! - I'm no talk about dick! - All right.