- And the weapon... - Hm! - I recognize the weapon now. - The dart? It was a movie. I watched it one night. You were out with your friends. You came back drunk and, uh... What the hell was it?
Murder Mystery
'Cause he loved Suzi, not you! The three motives: money, love, revenge. You were the mastermind behind Malcolm Quince's murders, weren't you? - And you were the one who framed us. - You killed them all, didn't you? Didn't you?
Murder Mystery
I mean, is there a French holiday we're unaware of? What the hell do you do? Look...
Murder Mystery
You tried to kill us in the market, but you got Suzi instead.
Murder Mystery
I love those little bastards.
Murder Mystery
- That's her! - Oh, my gosh! So then you killed Charles because you knew he would never rest until he found out who Suzi's killer was.
Murder Mystery
Huh. Word.
Murder Mystery
- Oh, my God! - Son of a bitch.
Murder Mystery
French law. French law. The French law. Yeah. Surely, Inspector, you of all people are familiar with the French inheritance law.
Murder Mystery
You two were spying on me in my bathroom? Trust me, I did... We saw a lot of shit that night that I did not want to see. I mean, apologize ahead of time. We had to see you guys having sex.
Murder Mystery
You convinced Tobey to kill Malcolm so you could split the money with him.
Murder Mystery
Murder Mystery
- Both? - Yes. Tobey, and the son he had with Madeleine LeBoutillier.. That boy died at childbirth.
Murder Mystery
I don't feel... I don't feel good. - Babe. - Oh, God. It's an Italian prison. You know the food's gonna be incredible. We'll have meatballs and pesto sauce and all that. It's not co-ed, honey. All right? We're... We're not gonna be in jail together. I know.
Murder Mystery
Princess Blow Dart. Oh, God. That is not the name of a movie. It is! It is! Yo, look at my screensaver.
Murder Mystery
I spoke to my partner in New York City. I said, get the death certificates for Madeleine and the son. He could only find one for Madeleine. But then I started thinking, maybe there's no death certificate because there was no death. Nonsense. Malcolm desperately wanted a boy to sire the next generation of Quinces. He would never abandon a son. But... what if it was a daughter? - Yes! - What if it was a daughter? The love of his life dies, dies giving birth to his unwanted daughter. - Yes! - It almost makes sense. - It does! It kinda does! - It makes total sense. He gave her away. Then where is she now? Well, she could be anywhere. She could have got married. She could've joined a gang, changed her name. Who knows? Carry on.
Murder Mystery
- We gotta turn ourselves in. - Wait, what? They're all gonna show up. If we run, they're gonna shoot us. What do you mean? We're gonna just go to jail? It's better than getting shot, ain't it?
Murder Mystery
I am the daughter of Malcolm Quince and Madeleine LeBoutillier, and sole heir to the Quince fortune.