- Hey, guys! - Hey. Hi, who are you? - Marc's frat brothers. Who are you? - I'm Marc's dad. - Seriously? - Yeah.
The In-Laws
Oh, God.
The In-Laws
Well, Steve... ...you have ruined this darling girl's wedding. - No, no. I'm okay. - No, you're not! You will carry the scar of this day until you die.
The In-Laws
I'm a little worried. I got really wasted last night, and I did this My Best Friend's Wedding thing... ...and told her I dated Marc one time. - You what? - I think she may have bolted.
The In-Laws
- I cannot get you out of my mind. - Okay. I am attracted to you physically, which for me is very strange... ...because I find homosexuality disgusting!
The In-Laws
What a lovely setting. - I see your touch in the décor, no? - I worked with the designer a little. Why, it's wonderful. I was on my way here, excited about my submarine, and then I realized something.
The In-Laws
- That was fun! - Yeah. Blackmail. It's terrific.
The In-Laws
So, I thought you'd like to know the wedding is off. - Why? What happened? - Marc and Melissa have vanished.
The In-Laws
It's in a case in the warehouse. The case in the warehouse is empty. We want the money.
The In-Laws
Yeah, we'll be right here!
The In-Laws
- So where's Cherkasov? - Dead.
The In-Laws
And, you know, the wedding, so I actually have to find my family. I'll talk to you later.
The In-Laws
Oh, my God.
The In-Laws
- Jerry! - Uncle Ben! - Mazel tov. - Thanks. - Where's Marc and Melissa? - Where are they? - Where are they? - I don't know. Where are they? - I don't know. - Ben, I'm asking you. - I'm asking you. - I'm asking you. All right, stop! We're turning into Abbott and Costello. I'm sure they're here. - Dr. Peyser. - Hi, Rabbi. We're already behind schedule, and I do have two other ceremonies this afternoon. - And that Buddhist monk-- - That was not my idea. - What's wrong with him? - He's an idiot. - Okay. Well, let me talk to him. - Thank you. I don't know one person here! Not one person. That's right, because it's not an arms convention. Talk to these guys.