How was my speech? You were brilliant. - ANNE: Did I lisp? - You don't lisp. I know. That was what was so troubling about it. - The thought that I suddenly did. - No.
The Favourite
WOMAN: This mud stinks. SALLY: They shit in the streets round here. "Political commentary," they call it.
The Favourite
I love you, but that I will not do. - ANNE: If you love me... - Love has limits. It should not.
The Favourite
The Favourite
The Favourite
Your name, girl. If we are blood, name it. - I did not? Abigail Hill. - SARAH: The Somerset Hills? The one who went mad and burnt his own house down, himself in it? Lost all his money at whist. No one bets on whist. My uncle was one of a kind. ABIGAIL: I apologize for my appearance. The staff led me here. A harmless prank of some sort, I suspect. SARAH: And you want...
The Favourite
I hoped I might be employed here by you... as something. A monster for the children to play with, perhaps?