Are you serious? What? Now you're making fun of my car? What? No. I-I-I was just being specific. I wasn't saying that because it's shitty. All right. No, God, no. Look, I love your car. I don't even have a car. I'm just acting weird, and this is just all a lot. -[engine starts] -And please stop. Please don't leave. [engine idling] [kisses]
The Edge of Seventeen
No, I get it. It's a big house. You're bored. You know what you need? You need someone to rob you so you can reenact Home Alone. That is-- That is exactly what I need. Thank you. [chattering]
The Edge of Seventeen
I didn't mean, like, completely bald, by the way. It's smart what you do there too. You kind of-- You kind of, you know-- I don't know. Do you poof it up a little bit? Give it a little zhuzh? I'm glad you circled back around and cleaned that up. It certainly made me feel better.
The Edge of Seventeen
[car door closes] Oh. [car door opens]
The Edge of Seventeen
I've-I've seen you around. We've just never really... t-talked.
The Edge of Seventeen
Mr. Bruner.
The Edge of Seventeen
[kisses] You know what I'm gonna to do tonight? What? I want to go home, fix my hair, put on a beautiful face of makeup and the best dress I own... then take it all off and go to sleep.
The Edge of Seventeen
Do you know what I've been doing all night?
The Edge of Seventeen
Make you feel better. Jesus.
The Edge of Seventeen
And her breath smelled of SweeTarts.
The Edge of Seventeen
Say something. Oh, my God, say something, please. Help me. You need to watch out for run-on sentences. But can't you just do something? Can't you-- Can't you just do something? You gotta be able to do something. Y-Y-Y-Y-- Come on.
The Edge of Seventeen
Hi, guy. If you want, you can be his other mom with me.
The Edge of Seventeen
All right. So, what happened? Uh, somebody let Baxter in and he pissed.
The Edge of Seventeen
Oh, wow. It just keeps going back, doesn't it? ♪ Gonna take her for a ride on a big jet plane ♪ ♪ Gonna take her for a ride on a big jet plane ♪ ♪ Hey, hey ♪ ♪ Hey, hey ♪
The Edge of Seventeen
Please, God, help me.
The Edge of Seventeen
There's so much that I've wanted to tell you and ask you, and I just can't believe this-- [seat whirring] Um-- Bzzzz.
The Edge of Seventeen
[school bell rings]
The Edge of Seventeen
Mm-hmm. Mm-mmm, mm-mmm, mm. [growling] [screaming] [growling]