Kenoak. I awoke amid Kenoak. That's funny. Ken-oh-kia. All these leaves and mud, they're really gonna do a number on my boots, man. Mud. Did it rain the past week? - No, stay there! - What? Whoa! Okay. We got footprints here, so, uh... - Oh. - I wanna, um... Marta... - Stop. - What? - Um... - What? Marta, stay there. - What? - No, Marta! Stay there, Marta. - No! No! - I couldn't hear. If you... - Did you call me? - All right. - All right. - Excuse me. - All right. - Come here. Wagner, we're gonna need to call the boys, have 'em come down here, take a look at all these tracks. Get it taped off. Stay on that side. - I'm sorry. - Watch out. Watch out. Okay. Hey! Yeah!
Knives Out
Where's that window? How about some more cookies, Hugh? - You want some more cookies? - That's great. That's great. Hey, maybe Harlan left you a cold glass of milk in his will. Asshole.
Knives Out
Analyze that mud. It will match these traces. Take this to Jamie. And you will find similar samples leading up the trellis on the outside of the house.
Knives Out
What was that about will readings being boring? The exception that proves the rule.
Knives Out
This looks like a relatively fresh break. Yep. Right there.
Knives Out
Oh, let me guess. Hey! Stop. Stop.
Knives Out
Ken... Kenoak? - Uh-huh. - Kenoak.
Knives Out
Show me. But stay off the carpet.
Knives Out
Knives Out
And then I heard Ransom say...
Knives Out
Ransom... What's that mean? I think it means our father finally came to his senses and cut this worthless little brat out of his will. So I guess you're gonna have to sell the Beemer and give your notice at the country club, and kick whatever fashion drug you're on. Because if you think that after all the bridges you've burned, after all the shit you said, after everything that you put this family through for the last 10 years, that any of us are gonna support you that any of us are gonna give you, like Dad liked to say, "a single red dime..." you're nuts!
Knives Out
Jacob. We know where this is going. You were in the bathroom next to Harlan's office, where he had the fight with Ransom. Now, you heard something. Spill it.
Knives Out
Okay. Uh, this is Trooper Wagner. I'm Lieutenant Elliott. We just wanna ask a few questions.
Knives Out
Funny, Ransom, you skipped the funeral, but you're early for the will reading.