And, uh, here's a little something for the effort. Now, if anybody asks you who your fare was tonight, what are you gonna say? The truth. Three well-dressed, slightly toasted Mexicans.
Pulp Fiction
[ Hit Man ] We happy? Vincent? - We happy? - Yeah, we happy. [ Sighs ] [ Brett ] Look, I'm sorry, uh, l- I didn't get your name. I got yours. Vincent. Right? B-But I never got yours. - My name's Pitt, and your ass ain't talkin' your way outta this shit. - No, no, no.
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We clear?
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You let him go! You let him go! - Let go of him, or I'm gonna kill you! - Tell that bitch to be cool. - Say, "Bitch, be cool!" Say, "Bitch, be cool!" - Be cool! Be cool! - Tell that bitch to chill! - You're gonna die so fuckin' bad! - Chill that fuckin' bitch out! - Chill out, Honey Bunny! - Let go of him! - Chill out, Honey Bunny! - Now, promise her it's gonna be all right! - I promise! - Tell her to chill! - Chill out, Honey Bunny! - Now tell me her name. - Yolanda. All right, now, Yolanda, we're not gonna do anything stupid, are we? - Don't you hurt him! - Nobody's gonna hurt anybody! We're all gonna be like three little Fonzies here. And what's Fonzie like? - Come on, Yolanda! What's Fonzie like? - He's cool. - What? - Cool. Correctamundo. And that's what we're gonna be. We're gonna be cool. Now, Ringo, I'm gonna count to three. And when I count three, I want you to let go of your gun, put your palms flat on the table and sit your ass down.
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- [ Panting ] Okay, now you let him go! - Yolanda! I thought you were gonna be cool. Now, when you yell at me, it makes me nervous. When I get nervous, I get scared. When motherfuckers get scared, that's when motherfuckers accidentally get shot.
Pulp Fiction
- That was my 15 minutes. - What was it? It was a show about a team of female secret agents called Fox Force Five. - What? - Fox Force Five. Fox, as in were a bunch of foxy chicks. Force, as in we're a force to be reckoned with. And five, as in there's one-two-three-four-five of us. There was a blond one, Sommerset O'Neal. She was the leader. The Japanese fox was a kung fu master. The black girl was a demolition expert. French fox's speciality was sex. - What was your speciality? - Knives. The character I played, Raven McCoy, her background was she grew up raised by circus performers. According to the show, she was the deadliest woman in the world with a knife. And she knew a zillion old jokes. Her grandfather, an old vaudevillian, taught her. And if we would have got picked up, they would've worked in a gimmick... where every show I would've told another joke.
Pulp Fiction
I been sayin' that shit for years, and if you heard it, that meant your ass. I never gave much thought to what it meant. I just thought it was some coldblooded shit to say to a motherfucker... before I popped a cap in his ass. But I saw some shit this morning made me think twice. See, now I'm thinkin' maybe it means... you're the evil man, and I'm the righteous man, and Mr. 9-millimeter here, he's the shepherd... protecting my righteous ass in the valley of darkness. Or it could mean... you're the righteous man, and I'm the shepherd, and it's the world that's evil and selfish. Now, I'd like that. But that shit ain't the truth. The truth is, you're the weak... and I'm the tyranny of evil men.
Pulp Fiction
Oh, man, that's good. That's good, man. You're startin' to lighten up. You've been sittin' there, all serious and shit. - I just been sittin' here, thinkin'. - About what? - About the miracle we witnessed. - Miracle you witnessed. - I witnessed a freak occurrence. - What is a miracle, Vincent?
Pulp Fiction
[ Jules ] Yes, you did, Brett! You tried to fuck him, and Marsellus Wallace don't liked to be fucked... by anybody except Mrs. Wallace. - Oh, God, please. I don't wanna die. - You read the Bible, Brett? - [ Whimpering ] Yes! - Well, there's this passage I got memorized. Sorta fits the occasion. Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides... by the inequities of the selfish... - and the tyranny of evil men. - [ Whimpering Continues ] Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper... and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance... and furious anger... those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know My name is the Lord... when I lay My vengeance upon thee." - [ Groans Loudly ] - [ Gunshots ] [ Screams ]
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Which one of 'em you wanna do first? - [ Tapping Fingers ] - [ Zed ] I ain't for sure yet.
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- What was it about? - How should I know? You were the one watching it. - No, imbecile, what was your dream about? - I don't know. I don't remember. It's really rare that I remember my dreams. Well, let's look at the grumpy man in the morning. [ Both Moaning ] [ Fabienne ] Why don't you get up and we'll get some breakfast. One more kiss, and I'll get up. [ Moans ] - Satisfied? - [ Exhaling ] Yep. - [ Grunts ] Get up, lazy bones! - Ohh! - Ohh. God. - [ Giggles ]
Pulp Fiction
Now let's meet our first contestants here this evening. Young lady, what is your name? Mrs. Mia Wallace. And how 'bout your fella here? Vincent Vega. All right, let's see what you can do. Take it away! - [ Woman ] Go for it. - [ Man ] Come on!
Don't be that way. Tell me. - No, you wouldn't like it, and I'd be embarrassed. - You'd be embarr- You told 50 million people, and you can't tell me? - I promise I won't laugh. - That's what I'm afraid of, Vince. That's not what I meant. You know it. Now I'm definitely not gonna tell you 'cause it's been built up too much. What a gyp. [ Sighs ]