We're going shopping. - Really? - Yes, your shirt is bedazzled. Bedazzled with rhinestones.
17 Again
Does she go to our school? Do I know her? Tell me her name. I want to know her name. - No, Maggie. No. - Okay. You tell your girlfriend she better keep a close eye on you. Sweet baby Jesus.
17 Again
I'm going back to high school, Ned! No! No, no. No way. Your spirit guide would not waste transformation magic... ...on you reliving your senior year and going to prom. No. Ned, this is my chance to have my life over, but to do it right. - Wouldn't you, if you had the chance? - No. I'm rich, and nobody stuck my head in a toilet today. Sure. Besides, it's not just about me. - It's about you. - No, it's much bigger than me. - It's about you. - Okay, maybe it's about me... ...but what's wrong with that? I have not done anything for me since 1989.
17 Again
Who is that stone-cold fox? Oh, it's my girlfriend.
17 Again
Um, Ned, Ned, look, I'm your best friend, all right, and I'll always have your back. But there's only so much I can do when you show up in a dress. O'Donnell. How about you and Boy George join us for this picture? - Yep. Yep. - Just one sec.
17 Again
Wow. You look just like my husband. Doesn't he? - My ex-husband. That is so weird. - Heh, heh. It is weird. What is that? Scarlet, I need you to come. Weird. - Do you see that? - I did see it.
17 Again
If I wanted you in the cafeteria, I would've taped you to a lunch lady.
17 Again
But if you let me, I swear, I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you.
17 Again
You can? No, not at all.
17 Again
- Beckham. - No, what? Oh, the clothes. Oh, right. To the untrained eye, I look like a total idiot. You do, in fact. Ah. But it's actually a seduction technique known as "peacocking. " My outfit serves the dual function of icebreaker and attention-getter.
17 Again
I thought I wanted a second chance at life... ...but now I know I just want a second chance with y...
17 Again
MAN You're sure about that? Jesus.
17 Again
Mike, if you could slide to your left so I can congratulate our new RSM, Wendy! Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
17 Again
Uh, look, this is kind of personal, and I don't know you. - I'm taped to the toilet. - Yeah. I'm sorry, I'm Mark Gold, uh, your uncle Ned's kid. I just started here. Oh, cool. Cool, yeah. Well, I'd shake your hand... ...but it's taped to my ass. - Right. Right. Would you mind? - Yeah, yeah, sure. - Yeah, um. - Just rip. - I'm going to get it.
17 Again
They're pretty, huh? We got some pretty ladies in here.