Found 10000 results
He's scared of the pretty girl.
Alita: Battle Angel
This ship is from the battle of Zalem.
Alita: Battle Angel
Dance, little flea.
Alita: Battle Angel
You'll send me to Zalem? I'm there right now.
Alita: Battle Angel
Alita: Battle Angel
Looks like he's got us.
Alita: Battle Angel
You'll be competing against us for the kill.
Alita: Battle Angel
My wife works out at Farm 22. Thank you.
Alita: Battle Angel
I got you.
Alita: Battle Angel
I can't do this anymore.
Alita: Battle Angel
I didn't kill that guy.
Alita: Battle Angel
You'll always be running.
Alita: Battle Angel
We have to go to the command deck.
Alita: Battle Angel
It's your dream.
Alita: Battle Angel
Man, what's wrong with you?
Alita: Battle Angel
And if you go out during the day, don't wander too far from this neighborhood. Okay. Promise? I promise.
Alita: Battle Angel
Alita: Battle Angel