Just gonna drive out, and we have a place all ready, and...
The Big Sick
I work on the second floor of the bank - in this fantasy scenario. - Go back to ISIS.
The Big Sick
Yeah, I know. Well, it, no, it hasn't been that long.
The Big Sick
You go online, they hated Forrest Gump.
The Big Sick
[ Sniffles ]
The Big Sick
It's not great. Unless the sample size is...
The Big Sick
This is why I don't want to go online 'cause it's never good.
The Big Sick
You know, that all depends. Here, look at the comments.
The Big Sick
But, you know, this is the 17th best hospital in Chicago?
The Big Sick
It's bullshit.
The Big Sick
Take the fun out of hiccups now.
The Big Sick
Like, three whole episodes, and it's a bad show.
The Big Sick
And do you know what? I watched The X-Files.
The Big Sick
Yeah, don't... Listen to me...
The Big Sick
I know you did not get Montreal, and that is only because you did one of the worst sets I've ever seen in my goddamn life. - Yeah. - CJ: It was nonsense. MARY: A living disgrace. I would call it shit, but I would be worried that I'd be insulting actual shit. Yeah, it was so bone-chilling to me, I thought a ghost had passed right through me. We don't have to keep going over how bad the set was. I saw their faces and the noises they didn't make. - I felt one of my eggs die. - [ Kumail laughs ] Doesn't that happen, like, every month? It happens every month, Kumail, but I don't always feel it and go... [ Groaning ] - [ Chuckles ] - [ Groaning ]
The Big Sick
- Well, then why don't you go? - No. I want you to come with me. I don't want to go alone.