So, what, you find yourself some local tail and you just completely forget what team you're playing for? Parker, there is time to salvage the situation. - Parker... - Shut your pie hole! Or what, Ranger Rick? You gonna shoot me? - I could do that. - You need to muzzle your dog. Yeah, can we just take this down a couple of notches, please? You say you want to keep your people alive? You start by listening to her. Those trees were sacred to the Omaticaya - in a way you can't imagine. - You know what? You throw a stick in the air around here, it's gonna land on some sacred fern, - for Christ's sake! - I'm not talking about some kind of pagan voodoo here. I'm talking about something real, something measurable in the biology of the forest. Something measurable in the biology of the forest. Which is what, exactly? What we think we know is that there is some kind of electrochemical communication between the roots of the trees, like the synapses between neurons. And each tree has ten-to-the-fourth connections to the trees around it. And there are ten-to-the-twelfth trees on Pandora.
- You need to wake up, Parker. - No. You need to wake up. The wealth of this world isn't in the ground. It's all around us. The Na'vi know that, and they are fighting to defend it. If you want to share this world with them, you need to understand them. I'd say we understand them just fine, thanks to Jake here.
For what? Lite beer? And blue jeans? There's nothing that we have that they want. Everything they sent me out here to do is a waste of time. They're never gonna leave Hometree.
So, since a deal can't be made, I guess things get real simple. Jake, thanks. I'm getting all emotional. I might just give you a big wet kiss.
Yes! What the hell have you people been smoking out there? They're just goddamn trees!
- Are you out of your goddamn mind? - You crossed the line.