- Oh, God. DAVID: Palo Hacon! Palo Hacon! Pablo Chacon?
We're the Millers
Okay? They're using a goddamn bucket brigade to put it on the RV as we speak! You walked in, told them you were picking up for Pablo Chacon and they were like: - "No problem!" - Wait a minute. Why do you sound surprised? You told them we were coming, right? Relax! Everything's gonna be fine, man. I greased the guard in lane one at the border. He'll let you breeze through, I'll see you in the morning! I'll even buy you brunch.
We're the Millers
[DOOR OPENS] Whoa. What's going on in here?
We're the Millers
I wanna go help her, but I don't wanna come off like I'm hitting on her, because... you know, I'd like to hit on her maybe at some point.
We're the Millers
- [WHISPERS] You wanna get us killed? - What?
We're the Millers
We're the Millers
Look, it's okay that you haven't kissed a girl. I'm sure there are some girls... who I've never met... that find inexperience kind of sweet. I don't wanna be a sweet, inexperienced guy who's never been worth kissing.
We're the Millers
Come on, Babs. [LAUGHS]
We're the Millers
- I think it was something that she ate. - Just tell her I'm really sorry. - Oh, sure. - Oh.
We're the Millers
I love that whale.
We're the Millers
Okay, okay, I'm going, I'm going. Please, please. Ahem. Let's do it. Here we go. Okay! To the RV, let's go.
We're the Millers
ROSE: Congratulations. You just snuck into Mexico.
We're the Millers
Hola, Pablo. Es Brad. Okay. Here me out. I wanna ask you something.
We're the Millers
So cut the shit! Otherwise, I will turn this RV around immediately!
We're the Millers
You reject my mother's gift?
We're the Millers
- This is getting better, it's getting better. - Okay.