- ...then you're out of your mind. - Whoa. Wait a second.
We're the Millers
I'm sure your boyfriend Jimmy is very nice. He seems like a very good guy.
We're the Millers
Casey, come back. We have to stay together. - Come on! - Why?
We're the Millers
- EDIE: Same page. - Interesting.
We're the Millers
- Oh, Mom! SCOTTIE: I work for A & J Amusements. I'm rocking that Monkey Maze, you know what I'm saying? - What the hell is the Monkey Maze? - Oh, it's like a Terrifying Deathtrap... but for little kids. You're working at the fair. You're a carny. No, I drive a motorcycle. - Mm-hm. - Mm-hm. Yeah. What about you guys? Where you, uh, stopping in from, you know what I'm saying? - Uh, D-town. - Oh, Detroit. No, no, no. The other one. D-town. The other D-town. - Denver...? - That's the one. There you go. - Colorado. DAVID: That's the one. Yeah, I love my Rockies, you know what I'm saying? Oh, you like the Rockies? You're a baseball fan?
We're the Millers
Pablo Chacon.
We're the Millers
Listen, this is a fucked-up situation. But I might have a win-win for both of us.
We're the Millers
I don't know. I don't think so, man. This is way out of my league.
We're the Millers
We're the Millers
And, uh... she was wearing these little navy blue Chuck Taylors and these jean shorts. No pockets on the back, however that happened. And this, uh, Tom Waits T-shirt. I was like, "Oh, that's cool." Because I love Tom Waits. And she just looked beautiful.