ROSE [IN NORMAL VOICE]: Okay. Let's go, Kenny. DAVID [IN NORMAL VOICE] All right, Kenny, here we go.
We're the Millers
Wait, you guys are getting paid? ROSE: You're a liar. - No, no, no.
We're the Millers
I'm fine. That was awesome. You fucking decked him! I've dealt with handsy assholes like him at work.
We're the Millers
- Hey, what's up? - Hey, Brad. I'm just getting some singing lessons from my main man Ben Folds Five. - Ain't that right, Ben Folds Five? - My name is Ben Folds. "Five" is the name of the band. You're fucking with me. I love it. You gotta meet this guy. Benji Five is a laugh riot. Remember that song "Brick" we used to listen to? [SINGING] She's a brick and I'm drowning slowly. It's... I've got... It's that guy. I fucking got that guy. He's like my personal bitch. - Listen, is everything okay? - Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Uh, things are fine. I'm about 200 miles away. I'll be there in three hours, all right? - All right. Peace. - Agh, fucking asshole. Scales. Let's do this. This gig sucks. Don't talk to me like that. I will have you killed. And no one will miss your fucking nerd music.
We're the Millers
[OVER SPEAKERS] Hey little lady, don't you say maybe. Rose, the guy at the bar asked for you by name. Treat him nice. Baby, I'ma show you how to.
We're the Millers
Ah, come on. You're a lot more than that, Rose, and you know it.
We're the Millers
Calm down, I'm going the speed limit. We won't get pulled over.
We're the Millers
- They're different. - Well, they're not my family. I mean... Yeah, no, I get what you mean. - She wants him to kiss her. - Absolutely. CASEY: She does, right? - And sometimes I feel like I'm adopted... or an alien, you know, or something. Right. That's what I meant. Um...
We're the Millers
This vacation sucks. You...
We're the Millers
You see, that's gonna be a problem.
We're the Millers
Yeah, the plastic. I've seen Dexter. Buddy, I'm putting in a new skylight, you idiot. Ha, ha.
We're the Millers
You know, uh, mi familia. You know, helping me out here with the deal. Yeah. [BOTH CHUCKLE]
We're the Millers
Enough! Let's get something straight right now! You are not my kids! Okay?
We're the Millers
- Hey there. - What is this place? DAVID: Will you look at this? It's a cute little drug-dealing community.
We're the Millers
- I don't know, David. DAVID: Don't do it for me. Don't even do it for you. Do it for the girls. For Rose and Casey. Because, believe me, they won't last two days in a Mexican prison.