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CASEY: What is this? - A meth lab? DAVID: It's Mexico, Casey. ROSE: That's a donkey, donkey, donkey.
We're the Millers
You made your deal with me, I made my deal with Brad. We're getting outta here.
We're the Millers
Sweet. Emotion.
We're the Millers
I got a joint here.
We're the Millers
[GUNSHOTS] GUARD 2: We got runners!
We're the Millers
But I don't feel like arresting anybody... so I'll just simply take my bribe and I'll be on my way.
We're the Millers
You're fine. You already like a total dipshit.
We're the Millers
[HORN HONKS] What the hell is this?
We're the Millers
- But... - Sir, is that actually necessary?
We're the Millers
How was work this evening?
We're the Millers
- Uh, I'm sorry. - Little Ricky. We went to college together.
We're the Millers
Hola, Pablo. Es Brad. Okay. Here me out. I wanna ask you something.
We're the Millers
- Hi, Kenny. - I heard you and Mrs. O'Reilly fighting. It's called flirting, Kenny. You'll learn about it in college.
We're the Millers
With an "h"?
We're the Millers
What are you doing up? It's almost 2. Where's your mom? - Uh, she went for a drink. With a friend. - When?
We're the Millers
I'm awake and I speak English, so, yeah, I do know.
We're the Millers
[KENNY GRUNTS] There you go.
We're the Millers
- No responsibilities. - Mm-hm. Pfft, nothing. You got nothing. You could disappear tomorrow and who'd even know?
We're the Millers