Smidge and a half. It's nothing. Dude, I got rolled by the fucking cast of Annie. I come walking in here and you ask me to be an international drug dealer. This is easy money, David. All you gotta do is pop down to Mexico... go to this address, tell them you're there to pick up for Pablo Chacon. - Who the fuck is Pablo Chacon? - I am. [SPEAKS IN SPANISH THEN CHUCKLES] You don't get respect from Mexicans when your name is Brad Gurdlinger, right? I mean, that's white in any language. See? Big Bad Brad thought of everything.
We're the Millers
We're the Millers
CASEY: Whoa. I think Snoop Dogg would fuck this fridge.
We're the Millers
You put that in the RV, huh? In one of the bags? - How could you not think of that? - Because I don't know what I'm doing! - Have you not figured that out? - Silence!
We're the Millers
- Uh, they're called the Osmond family. - Ha-ha-ha! [BOTH LAUGHING] But in their place this year we have the very talented and wonderful Miller family.
We're the Millers
Holy fucking shit.
We're the Millers
We're the Millers
It is not a vacation!
We're the Millers
But we were all on the road together... and it got kind of fun, you know?
We're the Millers
What the fuck is this? This thing is ridiculous. [ENGINE STARTS] - Can you drive this? - I don't know. How fast does it go?
We're the Millers
- That was such a detailed story, Edie. - Thank you! You gotta do a one-woman show. It's, like, so many layers, you know?
We're the Millers
Because we're a family? Huh?
We're the Millers
I saw what just happened with you and Melissa.
We're the Millers
You wanna know something I used to do when I was your age... kept me from getting nervous around girls?
We're the Millers
Get a full body check.
We're the Millers
Anyway, I'm so sorry, Edie. We promised our Casey... that we would treat it like a real baby all summer and we went too far.