Okay, okay, I'm going, I'm going. Please, please. Ahem. Let's do it. Here we go. Okay! To the RV, let's go.
We're the Millers
Next thing you know, it's a tug of war... pulling it back and forth and out of nowhere... His fat fist goes right through the canvas. - But it was an accident. - Doesn't matter! You ruined my painting. Okay. Honestly, I really think you should've thanked me. Yeah, because that painting was hideous. [CHUCKLES] My grandfather painted that painting. And it was my favorite thing in the entire world.
We're the Millers
- It was just like a Roman candle. ROSE: Mm-hm.
We're the Millers
- No way. No way! Still a free agent. - Mm. You son of a bitch! You lucky son of a bitch.
We're the Millers
It's a great place.
We're the Millers
I'll watch your little one so you and your man can have some snuggle time. - I don't want you to have to... - I am good with babies. Nonsense! Oh, give me the baby. Give me that baby!
We're the Millers
That's right. I remember that. Yeah.
We're the Millers
I would be okay with that. Yeah.
We're the Millers
We're the Millers
- What's happening? - They're closed till morning.
We're the Millers
Fine! Whatever! Sorry. - Whoa! - Thank you!
We're the Millers
- ...we should be pretty good. - We'll be fine.
We're the Millers
Okay, he's really honking and it's making a huge scene. I think he just wants to say hi.
We're the Millers
- You have no regrets? - Nope. - Not one? - Nope. Ha, ha. I wish I did. To talk about something. Not one regret, huh? That's how I been living my whole life. I went to a tattoo artist, I was like: "This how I live. Can you put that on my body?" - And he did it. - Dad. - Not even a single letter? - No, I can't think of one. - I love all the letters, know what I'm saying? - Yeah. A lot of letters in the alphabet. How many? - It's in the 20s. - It's definitely in the 20s, I agree. Twenty-six, I think, if you count Y. - Do you have any questions for us, Scottie P? - Dad.
We're the Millers
I gotcha. Rose, suck his dick.
We're the Millers
Ow! Shit! Fuck, fucking... Ow, ow! Ow, ow, ow! - Oh, my God. Fucking shit! Fuck! DAVID: What the hell is he doing? Fuck a donkey! It hurts so much. Settle down, man. What the hell's going on? Oh, my God! I'm gonna die. Kenny, listen to me. Calm down, all right? Not gonna die. Tell us what's going on. - Tell us what happened. - Fucking spider bit me, David! - What? Where did it happen? - Bit me on my balls.
We're the Millers
What is that? That's a... Kenny, come on, draw something, buddy. CASEY: String. DAVID: Come on, son. - Rocket. It's a rocket or... - Is that a cucumber? This is really stupid.