I got an idea. Leave the girl alone. Just move along. Huh, what do you say?
We're the Millers
Hi. Hello, how are you? Oh, great. What's the news, doc, huh? Can we get going? - He's about to tell us. - Oh, good. I'm afraid your son had a pretty severe allergic reaction to the spider's venom. Ooh. Too bad. Better get him home. Where is he? He's in a lot of pain right now, we won't be able to release him for a few hours yet.
We're the Millers
Hey! Don't talk to her like that. [IN NORMAL VOICE] Rose, relax, okay? The only thing you need to worry about... is making them think you could be someone's mother. Okay? Are you kidding me? I can do this shit in my sleep. Excuse me.
We're the Millers
Twenty-five years in Mexican prison. If you get a happy judge.
We're the Millers
- Come on, we gotta hurry. Come on! - Take it easy! - Will you just relax?! - Look, I can't...
We're the Millers
What's up, dawg?
We're the Millers
We were picking up what you were putting down.
We're the Millers
- Would you like to feel my breasts? - I think that's enough for tonight. - You're right. - Don't give away the farm. - A little roughhouse? - We should wait.
We're the Millers
That's not funny, David.
We're the Millers
He'll come back.
We're the Millers
[WOMAN SPEAKS IN SPANISH] Oh, no. Thank you. I'm good.
We're the Millers
I'm gonna try to find help. - Yeah, fuck this. I'm going with her. Bye. - What?
We're the Millers
All aboard the Fitzgerald Express. Honk, honk! - ROSE: Ha-ha-ha! - Toot, toot!
We're the Millers
Whoo! What does this mean?
We're the Millers
[CELL PHONE RINGING] Oh, fuck. Fuck me. Fuck. Hey, great news. We're gonna get high and fuck tonight. I'm sorry, honey. Put Mommy on the phone, okay?
We're the Millers
- What's that? - I don't know. CASEY: Don't answer it! It's for me! - What?