- I'm just gonna go, okay? - Come on, girl. - You texted me. You know what's up. - Scottie. ROSE: Hey! Get your hands off of her! Come here, Casey.
We're the Millers
I thought you said we were picking up drugs for Pablo Chacon. I thought we were. Brad told me he was Pablo Chacon. ROSE: Why do you trust that guy? DAVID: I don't, okay? Can you guys stop bickering for five seconds? Okay, how did he even find us? - We don't know. - I don't know. PABLO: With this.
We're the Millers
Come on, man. We go back.
We're the Millers
- No way. No way! Still a free agent. - Mm. You son of a bitch! You lucky son of a bitch.
We're the Millers
Get in the car.
We're the Millers
- How did you make her so hot? - What's that?
We're the Millers
Kenny, come on! Let's go, man. We can't leave her, David. It's not right.
We're the Millers
I know a girl.
We're the Millers
- You have no regrets? - Nope. - Not one? - Nope. Ha, ha. I wish I did. To talk about something. Not one regret, huh? That's how I been living my whole life. I went to a tattoo artist, I was like: "This how I live. Can you put that on my body?" - And he did it. - Dad. - Not even a single letter? - No, I can't think of one. - I love all the letters, know what I'm saying? - Yeah. A lot of letters in the alphabet. How many? - It's in the 20s. - It's definitely in the 20s, I agree. Twenty-six, I think, if you count Y. - Do you have any questions for us, Scottie P? - Dad.
We're the Millers
- Yeah. - I would just count to three.
We're the Millers
- Count to three? - Yeah.
We're the Millers
- I'll see you. - Okay. Um...
We're the Millers
[SPEAKS IN SPANISH] Pablo Chacon. I'm here to pick up for Pablo Chacon. You are the White Gringo with the haircut of a donkey. Uh, yeah. Si.
We're the Millers
[GUNSHOTS] GUARD 2: We got runners!
We're the Millers
It was kind of a dick move.
We're the Millers
Yeah, you are. Take care.
We're the Millers
We're the Millers
We do go back. But it's not college anymore. We're not selling lids out of my dorm room. And you owe me $43,000. I told you, I got robbed, Brad. They took everything I had, man. This week's drop, 22 grand of my money that I'd saved. I'm fucked.