- Amen. DAVID: That was a good one. That was beautiful. - Oh. - I wish my family was more like that. ROSE: Oh, stop. Don't. No, no, no. Come on. Come in here. Hug it out. Don't you cry. Aw, honey.
We're the Millers
KENNY: So now you're gonna become an even bigger drug dealer? Drug smuggler, Kenny. There's a difference.
We're the Millers
Uh, hey, if you guys will excuse me. - Wanna join me? - Where are you off to? - We're gonna check on the baby. - Gonna take a dump. - Check the baby's dumps. ROSE: That's what we should say.
We're the Millers
Mr. Chacon.
We're the Millers
- All right. Okay. - Can I help you? DAVID: Hi. You ordered two black guys. Oh. Okay. This guy. No. David Clark here to see Mr. Gurdlinger, please?
We're the Millers
I don't see what could possibly go wrong! Ugh!
We're the Millers
You send this amateur fuck-up to steal from me? Listen, I don't know what David told you... Hello?
We're the Millers
I'm gonna take us to the promised land. Here we go. Here we go. [DOG BARKING] Steady.
We're the Millers
Easy, easy. What's going on here? - Mind your fucking business, old man. - Oh, my God. You're a dude. Ha, ha!
We're the Millers
Sweet. Emotion.
We're the Millers
MAN 1: You're dead meat!
We're the Millers
All right.
We're the Millers
Gosh, I thought it was really good.
We're the Millers
Oh, man.
We're the Millers
Black Cock Down? Black Cock Down? Nice job, Meryl Streep. Very subtle character work. Not my fault that Kenny can't draw. DAVID: Don't you pick on Kenny. ROSE: Nothing about that looked like a skateboard. You leave him alone. Where the hell's Kenny? - You guys, come here. - What? - What's going on? - Look at these two. ROSE: Aww. DAVID: Uh-oh.
We're the Millers
I wanna get a picture of you with the first girl you ever kissed. Here you go. - Mm-hm. Make it good. - Good.
We're the Millers
Oh, shit. Hey, dude. We all took ecstasy at Dave Matthews one time and I tried to kiss you.
We're the Millers
Of course. It's very clear. But, you see, it was up... There's... Its wheels, so I didn't see it down on the ground, and then it...