Okay. Uh, wow. My heart's pounding so fast in my chest. - Ahem. So I guess we're swinging. - Hmm? Oh, yeah. Ooh. Ha, ha. EDIE: Sorry that I'm taking so long. Hello. Ha-ha-ha!
We're the Millers
- Nice meeting you. You do you, Scottie P. SCOTTIE: You too.
I don't live on the streets, okay? I crash with friends. Ah. Okay. I see. So you were kind of between couches when David and Kenny found you. Are you gonna lecture me? Seriously, I'll puke. You know what, I'm not lecturing you. Okay, good. Because I don't need advice from a stripper. All right, you know what you little shit? I swear...
We're the Millers
DAVID: Is it a bad drawing, Kenny? My guess is "bad drawing." - it's... - Oh! A penis! A penis.
We're the Millers
You really want me to get on my knees? And beg you?
We're the Millers
You could be my mule. I need someone I can trust. Go to Mexico, bring it back by Sunday night, not only will I forgive your debt... I will pay you a standard courier fee of $100,000.
We're the Millers
What? Oh, my orca? Yeah, I bought an orca. [SIGHS]
We're the Millers
Oh, you betcha! Yeah, we're heading out on a family vacay here, you know? Off to see grandma, huh?
We're the Millers
We didn't know if you were dead in a ditch! Huh? ROSE: You couldn't have called? Something? Or send one of those text messages you're always sending out? "Hey, it's me, Casey, I'm not dead in a ditch." LOL, picture of a whale, ♪YOLO.
We're the Millers
It's a lot. Um, we don't have that sort of cash on us right now. [GROANS]
We're the Millers
- It was just like a Roman candle. ROSE: Mm-hm.
We're the Millers
All right, big fella, where's the smidge of weed everyone's talking about?